Telos (publishing cooperation)

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Telos ( ancient Greek for: goal ; stylized original spelling : TELOS ) has been the expression and brand of a cooperation community in the German-speaking Christian book market for over three decades.

The publishing cooperation was founded in 1971 and initially united nine Christian publishers in German-speaking countries - seven of them from Germany, specifically the Hänssler-Verlag , Blaukreuz-Verlag , Verlag und Schriftenmission der Evangelische Gesellschaft für Deutschland , Verlag der Liebenzeller Mission , Verlag der St.- Johannis-Druckerei , Joh. Brendow & Sohn Verlag and Verlag der Francke-Buchhandlung as well as the two Swiss companies Schwengeler Verlag and Trachsel-Verlag . Until 2009, the seal of approval of the cooperation was carried by numerous works by authors such as Gerhard Bergmann , Peter Hahne , Anny Wienbruch , Lothar Gassmann , Anton Schulte , Wolfgang Dyck , Wolfgang Heiner , Andreas Schwantge . The individual titles were initially sorted according to their external appearance or their target group in numerous sub-series such as Telos-Paperback, Telos-Taschenbuch, Telos-Hardcover, Telos-Großdruck, Telos-Kinderbuch, Telos-Jugendbuch, Telos-Documentation, Telos-Distribution booklet and Telos-Extra, e.g. But partly also in terms of content in series such as The Pathbreaking Biography , Life, Work, Effect , Scientific Series or Healthy Faith Life .

At the end of the 1980s, Trachsel-Verlag was the first to stop working together. At the end of the 1990s, the cooperation largely dissolved, the brand was only maintained by Johannis-Verlag and the VLM-Verlag , which is currently collaborating with it . When the company went bankrupt in 2010, the Telos brand name finally collapsed .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Verlag der Liebenzeller Mission ( Memento of May 17, 2008 in the Internet Archive )
  2. Schwengeler Verlag ( Memento from February 22, 2014 in the Internet Archive )