Wolfgang Dyck

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Wolfgang Dyck (born July 25, 1930 in Berlin , † February 16, 1970 near Hachenburg ) was a German evangelist .


Dyck was born out of wedlock and spent much of his childhood in homes. As a teenager he committed several crimes. In total, he spent eleven years of his life in prison , mainly because of (burglary) theft in prison , most recently because of resistance to state violence and Gefangenenmeuterei three years in prison . During this time he dealt intensively with Nietzsche's philosophy and made a suicide attempt .

After his last release from prison in 1958, Dyck came into contact with the Christian faith in a shared flat with the Salvation Army . After a long internal conflict , he was converted in 1959, was involved in the Salvation Army as well as in the EC and the YMCA and began to preach the gospel on the street, in pubs, night clubs and discos, but above all in Hamburg's main train station .

Dyck caused a great public stir. The press called him, among other things, "God's screamer". He was not always on the line of the official church, it even happened that people tried to deny him the floor at events on their premises.

After attending a Bible school for three months , Dyck continued his evangelistic work. Dyck was not included in the Salvation Army because he had bought a typewriter on installments. In January 1968 he was hired by the YMCA West Association as an evangelist.

After his conversion, Dyck relapsed once by pocketing a 50-mark note in a grocery store. He later brought it back and confessed the act to the shopkeeper, who then refrained from filing a criminal complaint .

Dyck and his assistant Christoph Gölz were killed in a traffic accident on federal road 414 on the way back to Hachenburg from an evangelistic event in Korbach . Goelz drove into an unlit truck that was parked on the street, and they both died instantly. Dyck left behind a pregnant woman and two children.


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Wolfgang Dyck: 180 ° - From prison to pulpit. Lesepatz, Meinerzhagen 2011