Teodor Trajanov

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Teodor Trajanow (also written Teodor Trajanov , Bulgarian Теодор Траянов ; born January 15, 1882 in Pazardzhik , Bulgaria , † January 30, 1945 in Sofia ) was a Bulgarian poet and next to Nikolaj Liliew , Emanuil Popdimitrow and Christo Jassenow one of the most important representatives of the Bulgarian Symbolism .


  • Klaus Steinke : Teodor Trajanov. Poet between two cultures . In: Reinhard Lauer (Hrsg.): Die Moderne in den Literaturen Südosteuropas (Südosteuropa Jahrbuch; 20). Südosteuropa-Gesellschaft, Munich 1991, pp. 115-121, ISBN 3-925450-28-9 .
  • Heinrich A. Stammler : Teodor Trajanov (1992–1945) in memory. Bibliography, personalia, news, advertisements and reviews . In: Bulgaria Yearbook 2007 . Munich, Biblion Verlag, 2007. ISBN 978-3-932331-78-7 .
  • Heinrich A. Stammler: Teodor Trajanov as a spokesman for Bulgarian symbolism (series on Bulgaria research; Vol. 4). Bulgarian Academic Society, Munich 1991.
  • Ludger Udolph : Teodor Trajanov's first collection of poems “Regina mortua” . In: Christo Choliolcev (ed.): Teodor Trajanov (1882–1945), Geo Milev (1895–1925) and German-language literature (Miscellanea bulgarica; Vol. 7). Association "Friends of the Wittgenstein House", Vienna 1989, pp. 69–74.
  • Ludger Udolph: Teodor Trajanov. The development of his poetry 1904–1941. A philological study . Böhlau, Cologne 1993, ISBN 3-412-10492-2 .

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