Terekay rail turtle

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Terekay rail turtle
Terekay rail turtle (Podocnemis unifilis)

Terekay rail turtle ( Podocnemis unifilis )

without rank: Sauropsida
Order : Turtles (Testudinata)
Subordination : Turn-Neck Turtles (Pleurodira)
Family : Podocnemididae
Genre : Podocnemis
Type : Terekay rail turtle
Scientific name
Podocnemis unifilis
Troschel , 1848

The Terekay rail turtle ( Podocnemis unifilis ) belongs to the genus of the rail turtle ( Podocnemis ).


The animals reach a length of up to 45 cm and a weight of up to 8 kilograms. The males are smaller and lighter than the females . The carapace is olive green to brownish in color. The yellow spots on the head are characteristic of the species.


The Terekay rail turtle is found in fresh waters in Brazil , Peru , Venezuela , Colombia , Bolivia, and Ecuador , particularly in the Amazon and Orinoco .


The food spectrum of the animals ranges from aquatic plants and algae to snails , insects and fish . The species prefers the vegetable diet.


The females lay 4 to 35 eggs in a pit. The young hatch after 60 to 70 days. The sex is determined by the height of the incubation temperature in the course of embryonic development. Females predominantly hatch in temperature ranges from 31 degrees Celsius. The animals reach sexual maturity from a height of 30 centimeters.


In the Red List of IUCN the yellow-spotted river turtle as is "at risk" ( vulnerable ) classified, but this classification still comes from the 1996th

See also


Web links

Commons : Terekay Rail Turtle ( Podocnemis unifilis )  - Collection of images, videos and audio files