Teresa Cremisi

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Teresa Cremisi (2015)

Teresa Cremisi (born October 7, 1945 in Alexandria ) is an Italian - French publisher and writer .


Cremisi and her family left Egypt after the Suez crisis in 1956 and settled in Milan . There she studied at the Università Commerciale Luigi Bocconi .

From 1963 to 1989 she worked in various positions for the Italian publisher Garzanti. Between 1989 and 2005 she headed the French publishing house Gallimard , after which she was chairwoman of the Flammarion publishing group until 2015 . She is the publisher of Michel Houellebecq and appears as a minor character in his novel Map and Territory .

In 2015 Cremisi published her first novel “La Triomphante” ( The Triumphant , not translated into German until 2019), for which she was awarded the Prix ​​Méditerranée in 2016.

She has been a member of the Board of Directors of Bibliothèque nationale de France since 2019 .


La Triomphante . Des Équateurs, 2015.

Individual evidence

  1. a b Luc Le Vaillant: Teresa Cremisi. Alexandr (i) e la grande. In: Liberation . May 17, 2015, accessed on August 7, 2019 (French).
  2. Antoine Oury: Teresa Cremisi et Emmanuel Hoog au conseil d'administration de la BnF. In: ActuaLitté. July 24, 2019, accessed August 7, 2019 (French).