Terrier Armored Digger

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Terrier Armored Digger
Terrier Armored Digger

Terrier Armored Digger

General properties
crew 0 to 2
Dimensions 32 t
Top speed 70 km / h
Power / weight

The Terrier Armored Digger is a British pioneer tank produced by BAE Systems . With a crew of two (protected by NBC protection and ventilation system) or by remote control (range up to 1 km), the tank can pave the way for the fighting troops, overcome obstacles, remove or clear them. For this it is equipped with a multifunctional telescopic arm (max. 8 m long), a clearing and support shield.

The 32-ton tank can be forged (including waves up to 2 m high) and air-loadable ( Boeing C-17 and Airbus A400M ). He replaces the Combat Engineer Tractor FV 180 in the British armed forces .

Web links

Commons : Terrier Armored Digger  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ The Daily Telegraph - 'Swiss Army knife' armored vehicle unveiled , accessed February 18, 2016
  2. Tages-Anzeiger - A tank like a Swiss Army Knife , accessed on February 18, 2016