Territorial parks in Nunavut

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This article gives an overview of the Territorial Parks in the Canadian territory of Nunavut . The provincial parks in Nunavut are, unlike most other Canadian provinces, called Territorial Park .

The parks are managed by the Nunavut Department of Environment . The current legal basis for the parks is the Territorial Parks Act (RSNWT (Nu) 1988, c T-4) of 2011.

In addition to the Territorial Parks, Nunavut has:


IUCN category (a) WDPA ID Surname Area in km² Establishment date Website
V 555516414 Iqalugaarjuup Nunanga Territorial Park 20.77
II 167374 Katannilik Territorial Park Reserve 1461.66
V 555516416 Kekerten Territorial Park 14.05
V 555516417 Kugluk / Bloody Falls Territorial Park 8.3
V 555516413 Mallikjuaq Territorial Park 18.56
k. A. Northwest Passage Territorial Park
V 555558194 Ovayok Territorial Park 21.78
V 555516415 Qaummaarviit Territorial Park 0.16
V 65856 Sylvia Grinnell Territorial Park 44.3
(a) The database only reproduces the information provided by the national organizations. For some protected areas, the information that a protected area exists is transmitted, but the classification of the protected area is not always transmitted or it has not yet been done. In such cases, a Not Reported is recorded in the WDPA database (translated as n / a in the table ).

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b WPDA database of protected areas. In: www.protectedplanet.net. IUCN and UNEP , accessed February 10, 2016 .