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Belgian shepherd dog
FCI Standard No. 15
Origin :


Withers height:

Males: 62 cm
Bitches: 58 cm
-2 cm / + 4 cm


Males 25–30 kg,
bitches 20–25 kg

Varieties :

here: Tervueren

List of domestic dogs

The Tervueren is a variety of the Belgian Shepherd Dog , a Belgian breed recognized by the FCI ( FCI Group 1, Section 1, Standard No. 15 ). The Tervueren belongs next to the Groenendael to the long-haired varieties of the Belgian Shepherd Dog.

As much as the Belgian Shepherd Dogs differ in terms of coat, they are uniform in all other features such as body structure, typical behavior and character.

The dogs are red-brown in color with a black mask and black charbonnage. Charbonnage refers to the black touch in the fur, which is created by the black-colored hair tips - which gives the impression that you have stroked the dog's fur with a sooty hand. In addition to red-brown, the Tervueren also comes in all shades of brown up to beige or gray, also here with a black mask and charbonnage.

The Belgian Shepherd Dog can be kept as a pure family dog or as a companion in dog sports . He is also often found as a rescue dog . Due to his eagerness to learn, he is enthusiastic about many activities and is suitable for a variety of dog sports, such as tournament dog sports or agility .

Although they form a common breed , the varieties must not be crossed with one another . In special cases, the national breeding associations can grant exceptions.

Individual evidence

  1. ↑ Breed standard No. 15 of the FCI: Belgian Shepherd Dog  (PDF) p. 13

Web links

Commons : Tervueren  - Collection of images, videos and audio files