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Structural formula
Structural formula of tetraphenylene
Surname Tetraphenylene
other names


Molecular formula C 24 H 16
Brief description

colorless solid.

External identifiers / databases
CAS number 212-74-8
PubChem 2724868
Wikidata Q1839256
Molar mass 304.39 g mol −1
Physical state



1.144 g cm −3

Melting point

232-235 ° C

safety instructions
GHS hazard labeling
no classification available
As far as possible and customary, SI units are used. Unless otherwise noted, the data given apply to standard conditions .

Tetraphenylene is a chemical compound from the group of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons .

Extraction and presentation

Tetraphenylene can be obtained by reacting biphenylmagnesium bromide with copper (II) chloride or biphenyllithium with cobalt or nickel chloride.

The preparation from biphenylene with a catalyst such as nickel dicarbonyl bis (triphenylphosphine) is also possible.


Tetraphenylene is a colorless solid. It is a non-chiral molecule, but it can easily be converted into an unsymmetrical form.

Individual evidence

  1. a b c Erich Clar : Polycyclic Hydrocarbons . tape 2 . Springer Science & Business Media, 1964, ISBN 978-3-662-01668-8 , pp. 22 ( limited preview in Google Book search).
  2. a b Datasheet Tetraphenylene, 95% from Sigma-Aldrich , accessed on September 27, 2015 ( PDF ).
  3. ^ Carl L. Yaws: Thermophysical Properties of Chemicals and Hydrocarbons . William Andrew, 2014, ISBN 978-0-323-29060-9 , pp. 344 ( limited preview in Google Book search).
  4. This substance has either not yet been classified with regard to its hazardousness or a reliable and citable source has not yet been found.
  5. ^ Qian Miao: Polycyclic Arenes and Heteroarenes Synthesis, Properties, and Applications . John Wiley & Sons, 2015, ISBN 978-3-527-33847-4 , pp. 123 ( limited preview in Google Book search).
  6. Thomas JJ Müller, Uwe HF Bunz: Functional Organic Materials Syntheses, Strategies and Applications . John Wiley & Sons, 2007, ISBN 3-527-31302-8 , pp. 563 ( limited preview in Google Book search).