Théophile Alajouanine

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Théophile Alajouanine (born June 12, 1890 in Verneix , Département Allier , † May 2, 1980 in Paris ) is considered the nestor of French psychiatry .

The Foix-Alajouanine syndrome , also subacute necrotizing myelitis , and Marie-Foix-Alajouanine syndrome , a cerebellum - ataxia at an advanced age, are named after him. He worked on Kurt Kolle's three-volume collection of biographies of important psychiatrists. Kurt Kolle was the father of the well-known scout Oswalt Kolle .

Like Jean-Martin Charcot before, Alajouanine worked at the Hôpital Salpêtrière . He was a good friend of Johannes Heinrich Schultz and also known to Klaus Thomas . He is related to the well-known resistance fighter Guy Alajouanine (1924–1976).

He was u. a. interested in epilepsy due to the biography of the Russian writer Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoyevsky .


  • P. Marie , C. Foix , T. Alajouanine: De l'atrophie cérébelleuse tardive à prédominance corticale. Revue neurologique, Paris, 1922, 38: 849-885, 1082-1111.
  • C. Foix, T. Alajouanine: La myélite nécrotique subaiguë (Myélite centrale angiohypertrophique à évolution progressive). Paraplégie amyotrophique lentement ascendante d'abord spasmodique, puis flasque. Revue neurologique, Paris, 1926, 2: 1-42.


Individual evidence

  1. Alajouanine T. Dostoiewski's epilepsy. Brain 1963; 86: 210-218