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Thalamos ( Greek  θάλαμος ) refers to an inner, private room of a house in Homer , later in particular the marital bedchamber, in a figurative sense a core area, which is why

  • the holy of holies of a temple,
  • the lowest row of oars on ships and
  • in the case of luxury ships, the construction for owners and guests (see Thalamegos )

so called.

The bronze room in which, according to legend, Danaë was locked up by her father Akrisios , and to which Zeus gained access in the form of a rain of gold, was also called Thalamos.

Pausanias also describes two consecration gifts in Olympia that he saw in the treasury of the Sicyonians as thalamoi: The thalamoi are made of bronze and are designed in the Ionic or Doric style, which allows the assumption that they could have been objects with an architectural form ( Naiskoi ?). Myron I , the tyrant of Sicyon, named a dedicatory inscription on the smaller thalamus, and the demos of the Sicyonians as donors. According to Pausanias, on the occasion of his victory in 648 BC, the tyrant In the chariot race in Olympia, the treasury was built and the Thalamoi donated. But Pausanias seems to have mistakenly transferred the dedicatory inscription on the small thalamos to the building and the large thalamos.

According to Vitruvius , two rooms in the Greek house to the side of the vestibule ( prostas ) were specifically designated as thalamos and amphi-thalamos (or anti-thalamos).

Finally, the importance of leading Thalamos as "innerster core area" in modern times to that part of the anatomy of the midbrain as thalamus has referred.


Individual evidence

  1. Lukian of Samosata de Syria Dea 31
  2. Pausania's description of Greece 2, 23, 7.
  3. Pausania's Description of Greece 6, 19, 1-4.
  4. For a summary see Loretana de Libero: Die archaische Tyrannis. Stuttgart 1996, 184-185.
  5. Vitruv de architectura 6, 7, 2: In porostadis autem dextra ac sinistra cubicula sunt conlocata, quorum unum thalamos, alterum amphithalamos dicitur.