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Thankmarsfelde (later Dammersfeld ) was a place near Mägdesprung in the Harz Mountains in what is now Saxony-Anhalt from the 10th to the 15th century. From 970 to 975 there was a Benedictine monastery there .



When the place was founded is unknown. It was one of the oldest settlements in the Lower Harz . The name probably goes back to a locator Thankmar , possibly Thankmar , the eldest son of King Henry I (?).


On August 29, 970, a Marienkloster was founded and endowed at the church of Thangmaresfeld by Archbishop Gero of Cologne and his brother Margrave Thietmar der Lausitz in memory of their father Christian , a brother-in-law of Margrave Gero of Ostmark . The monastery was founded on December 25, 971 by Pope John XIII. approved. In 975, due to extreme conditions in the previous winter, the monastery was relocated to Nienburg an der Saale at the request of the monks with the consent of Emperor Otto II . Another reason could have been the more favorable location to the Slavic Gau Serimunt and its missionary work. Abbot Hagano is said to have stayed in the Harz Mountains with some conventuals and founded a hermitage in Hagenrode in the Selketal.

Further development

Mentioned in 1400 as Dameresfelde , the village was abandoned in the 15th century.

In 1758, Prince Viktor Friedrich von Anhalt-Bernburg had a farm with a dairy built on his area, which was converted into a dairy in 1796 until 1816 by a Swiss family. (The light holes in an earlier tunnel in which the milk products were stored are still called "Swiss holes" today.) The forest village "Dammersfeld" has been reminiscent of the medieval village since the 19th century.

In 1987/88 the foundation walls of the choir of the old Thankmarsfeld church were exposed.


  • Hermann Jakobs , Wolfgang Petke : Papal document research and history. From the Germania Pontificia. Halberstadt and Liège. (= Studies and preparatory work for Germania Pontificia 9 ). Böhlau, Cologne, Weimar, Vienna 2008. ISBN 978-3-412-20024-4 . Pp. 54-58
  • Hans Engelhardt: Thankmarsfelde, a desert village place. In: Our Harz . H. 10. 1990
  • Kurt Müller : History of the Ballenstedt District , 2006
  • Heinrich Lindner: History and description of the state of Anhalt . 1833
  • Ruth Schölkopf: The Saxon Counts 919-1024. (= Studies and preliminary work for the Historical Atlas of Lower Saxony, Vol. 22). Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Göttingen 1957, p. 47.

Individual evidence

  1. CDA (Codex Diplomaticus Anhaltinus) I, No. 47
  2. CDA, I, No. 49
  3. CDA, I, No. 58; the requests of the monks in Chronik vom Petersberg , 13th century
  4. ^ So Dietrich Claude : History of the Archdiocese of Magdeburg up to the 12th century. (= Central German research. 67). Volume 2. Böhlau, Cologne, Vienna 1975, ISBN 3-412-11375-1 . Pp. 323-327.
  5. Chronicle of Petersberg , cf. MGH (Monumenta Germaniae Historica), SS, vol. 28, p. 153 f.
  6. Lindner, p. 502