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Inclined swimmer (Thayeria boehlkei)

Inclined swimmer ( Thayeria boehlkei )

Cohort : Otomorpha
Sub-cohort : Ostariophysi
Order : Tetras (Characiformes)
Family : True tetras (Characidae)
Genre : Thayeria
Scientific name
Eigenmann , 1908

The genus Thayeria belongs to the real tetras (Characidae) and consists of four species. It occurs in the rivers of northern tropical South America , including in the Amazon , Rio Araguaia , Maroni , Rio Tapajós , Rio Tocantins and the Rio Guaporé . The genus was named after N. Thayer, who financed a large fishing expedition in South America from 1865 to 1866.


Thayeria species are 5 cm to 8 cm long. Characteristic is the inclined swimming style of the fish, with the head pointing towards the surface of the water and the significantly larger lower lobe of the caudal fin with a black band towards the bottom of the water. The body is elongated, strongly flattened on the sides and has a shiny silver color. Thayeria species have a more or less pronounced black stripe parallel to the incomplete side line . The section of the caudal fin base close to the body is scaled. An adipose fin is present. The anal fin is long and ends in a tip in the front third. The eyes are relatively large. There are two rows of teeth on the premaxillary , the maxillary is edentulous.



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Commons : Thayeria  - collection of images, videos and audio files