The Hillz

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Original title The Hillz
Country of production United States
original language English
Publishing year 2004
length 87 minutes
Age rating Rated 16/18
Director Saran Barnun
script Saran Barnun
production Saran Barnun
Jonathan Bayle
music Peter Karr
camera Alice Brooks
cut Don Adams
Harry James Picardi

The Hillz is a 2004 American film directed by Saran Barnun .


On the weekend before they graduate from high school, Steve 5, Duff, Seb and T, rich sons from the upscale neighborhood The Hillz, are bored and steal little things in a grocery store. While looking for someone to buy the minor alcohol, they meet Heather Smith and her friend Todd, who turns them away. Steve has been in love with Heather for a long time, but she shows no interest in him. As is so often the case, the clique is controlled by the police and harassed by their former classmate Martin, who is now with the police. Later, the gang goes to a party where the aggressive Duff finds a gun. Seb and T are kicked out after misbehaving. The police are waiting for them again and Martin finds fun urinating on Seb. He swears revenge. While Steve is with Heather again to convince her of his love - she's giving him a year to make it happen and asking her for her opinion again - Duff, Sebb and T get trapped while buying drugs, what Duff solves by shooting all enemies. A little later, T and Duff kidnap Martin, mistreat him and shoot him.

A year later, Steve returns to The Hillz. He is now a college student, a successful baseball player, and will soon begin his military service. He meets Duff, T and the new member, JJ; Seb has left the group and is now working in a pizzeria. Duff and the others make a good living from drug trafficking and selling stolen motorcycles. Steve hopes that after a year he has a chance with Heather, but she is still with Todd. Over the next few days, Duff and his friends shoot, among other things, the drug addict Spangler who owes them money, whereupon his brother swears revenge. Seb agrees to spend an evening with the clique, but is shot dead during a verbal argument between the clique and Koreans. Steve and Heather meet again at the funeral, who implies he should never have left. Steve notices that Heather is being hit by Todd. Together with Duff he looks for Todd and shoots him. Seb's boss Scott, meanwhile, turns out to be an undercover cop who is supposed to solve the murder of Martin. He arrests JJ, who is testifying against Duff. Spangler's brother now also knows that Duff and his cronies murdered his brother. He appears at Duff's house, but only meets T, whom he shoots. Spangler's brother is eventually shot dead by Scott, who storms Duff's house. Steve and Duff are driving in the meantime. Steve plans his future in the Army and motivates Duff to make more of his life. Shortly afterwards, two teenagers throw at her car. They both run after the boys, are expected by them with guns drawn and shot.


The Hillz was shot in Los Angeles on a budget of around $ 62,000 . Paris Hilton and Jason Shaw, who play a couple in the film, had actually been in a relationship until 2003.

The film ran on June 25, 2004 at the Boston International Film Festival and was released on March 8, 2005 in the United States on DVD. In Germany, the film was released directly on DVD on February 13, 2008.


The film dienst called The Hillz a “wannabe comedy about the life of the rich and bored, which is at best involuntarily funny.” The Neue Kronen-Zeitung focused primarily on Paris Hilton's appearance: “In 'The Hillz' she plays that what she does best anyway: a spoiled, rich daughter who cannot decide which college boy to grab. "

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Budget according to
  2. Paris Hilton On Reuniting With Jason Shaw: "I Love Him So Much" ., April 30, 2010.
  3. ^ The Hillz. In: Lexicon of International Films . Film service , accessed March 2, 2017 .Template: LdiF / Maintenance / Access used 
  4. Paris Hilton "plays" a spoiled girl . In: Neue Kronen-Zeitung , March 8, 2004, p. 19.