The hydrogen sonata

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The Hydrogen Sonata is a science fiction -novel the Scottish writer Iain Banks , the first time in 2012 under the English title The Hydrogen Sonata was published in Orbit Publishers, London. The novel can be assigned to the genre of space opera and is the last part of Iain Banks' cultural cycle . 25 years after the first cultural novel was published, The Hydrogen Sonata is also Bank's last science fiction novel before his death in 2013. The work was translated by Andreas Brandhorst .

Topics and non-topics

The hydrogen sonata deals with the big issues. First and foremost, it is about the truth . Not about the fundamental question of whether there is the truth, but about a very special, narrowly delimited questionability, the verification of which can have considerable consequences for some of those involved. Whereupon the following problem arises, which can be formulated as follows: When I have found out the truth, is it imperative to reveal it to those concerned? Or should it be better to keep quiet about this truth, taking into account the prevailing circumstances, i.e. to veil it again?

Furthermore, it is about life and death and about the principal benefits of longevity , both for individuals and for entire civilizations . In this context, the cosmological question is raised as to what lies beyond the real existing universe, i.e. in the sublime.

Not very far from such questions is the simulation problem , i.e. the consideration at which level of complexity it becomes immoral to simply switch off the electronic simulation of living systems. After all, the simulated simulacras certainly feel very real and lively.

A little less thought-intensive, but more action-intensive, are considerations regarding the fatal consequences of excessive ambition and excessive self-confidence.

Iain Banks is surprisingly taciturn in this book when it comes to the practical details of culture . Only a longer digression on the habits of residence is woven in. In it he points out that hardly any member of culture lives on a planet or is even born there. The vast majority of the trillion members of culture are now based on artificial orbitals or the more flexible general system ships (ASS).

The subject of love , in its deeper, emotional expression, is also not taken into account in The Hydrogen Sonata. Sex, on the other hand, comes in a number of variations.

Formal structure

The novel is divided into 25 chapters. The chapters are numbered and create a descending countdown in the subtitle ; - S -24 to S -0. Chapter 25 is adorned with a plus sign in the subtitle S +24. The countdown counts the remaining days until the species of the Gzilt wants to switch to the sublime. A relatively strict chronological order is derived from this basic structure , which is only sometimes broken by longer memory fragments of individual protagonists .

Only the first two and the last chapter tell from a uniform perspective . Otherwise the chapters are divided into sections that report from the perspective of different narrators. The humanoid perspective alternates with the imprint of communication between different, far apart, culture ships. The contributions of the individual ships are separated from each other by an infinity sign.


Within the Banks cultural cycle , beyond the real , the sublime has always been luring, a transdimensional non-physical form of existence that is characterized above all by seemingly everlasting permanence. Nobody knows exactly, however, since returnees from the sublime are extremely rare and their information is strangely vague. Nonetheless, once they reach a certain age, most galactic civilizations go this route. The sublimation should only be carried out in larger, closed groups, as otherwise there is a risk of loss of cultural identity . The Hydrogen Sonata tells of such a project .

Two interwoven narrative strands form the structure of the book. One describes the preparations for the upcoming sublimation of the Gzilt , the other describes the attempt by some cultural brains to come into possession of information that could be highly relevant for the Gzilt and influence their decision to sublimate.

The civilization of the Gzilt is largely based on a sacred text, the so-called Book of Truth . The scribe Briper Drodj allegedly found these writings inside a meteorite and published them. So far it's nothing special, the universe is full of sacred texts of questionable origin. What set the Book of Truth apart from other works was that it foretold the future of the Gzilt, and it did so quite precisely. Most of the prophecies related to technical developments, but they were all correct.

The search of the ship's brains revolves around the origin and motivation of the author of this text. On the other hand, hindering this search is the endeavor of a part of the Giltian state leadership and its highest military, embodied by Prime Minister Septam Bangstegeyn and Marshal Chekwri . So it is, in the truest sense of the word, about the truth.

A message from the Zihdren , a long-time sublimated species, suggests that the Book of Truth is a malicious forgery designed to manipulate Gzilt society . As a witness to this confession, the embassy calls upon a person named QiRia Tursensa Ngaroe . The messenger of the message was destroyed by the Gilthian battle cruiser 8 * Churkun . The news itself, however, got into the hands of the 14th Giltian Army Regiment through a spy program , a competing military group that is critical of sublimation.

The destruction of the ambassador ship was not discovered, analyzed and communicated by the culture ship Glaubt nur nicht ... The Zihdren survivors (individuals or groups who remained behind after a successful sublimation) then disclosed the mission of the destroyed ship, but were unable to reproduce the message themselves. A group of ship brains then decides to solve this riddle.

Enlightenment could probably afford only the most durable humanoids of the universe, the legendary QiRia who allegedly already at the founding meeting of Culture took part. However, his current whereabouts are unknown, which is why Scoaliera Tefwe is disturbed in its shelter in a distant spiral arm of the galaxy . She is a former lover of QiRia and may have an idea how to get on the track of what he is looking for. Indeed it is. Tefwe tracks down the old man and questions him. She must hear that the information relating to Gzilt is no longer available to him. QiRia transferred this memory complex into his eyes and had it surgically removed. They are owned by physical enhancement specialist Ximenyr , who lives on the Giltian planet Xown.

This is where the main character of the hydrogen sonata comes into play - Vyr Cossont . The society of the Gzilt is, at least formally, completely militarized. Every citizen has, almost from birth, a rank in the militia and also serves actively in the military for several years. Then the militiamen are downgraded to the reserve, including Vyr Cossont .

Vyr is a Giltian musician and has been practicing an ancient, highly complicated piece of music for several years - TC Vilabier's String-Specific Sonata for an Instrument to be Invented, Catalog Number MW 1211, in short, The Hydrogen Sonata . In the meantime the instrument has been invented, namely the body-resonant antagonistic hendekagon string, which is best played with four arms. Which is why Vyr Cossont currently has four arms.

At the beginning of her studies, Vyr had spent some time on the culture ship Actually warm as part of a student exchange and got to know the above-mentioned QiRia there. As a farewell, he gave her a complete copy of his own consciousness. Vyr , who has an inherent tendency to lose things, therefore made it available to a Giltian institute called Incast a few years later .

Now she should bring the consciousness module back, as it may still have the information that QiRia has removed in the meantime. First her former regiment, the 14th , wants to track down this artifact , which is why she ordered Vyr back into active service. But then the Giltian battle cruiser 8 * Churkun destroys the headquarters of the 14th Giltian army regiment. The pure coincidence leads to Cossonts salvation through the culture vessel not believe just ... . Now Vyr and the android Parinherm Eglyle are supposed to get back the QiRia copy on behalf of the culture .

Against massive resistance succeeds V yr and Berdle , the avatar of Do not believe just ... to retrieve the artifact from the Ospin system. The android Parinherm falls by the wayside . In retrospect, a superfluous sacrifice, because unfortunately the memories of the consciousness module do not begin until the year 8023, i.e. some time after the founding conference of the culture at which the issue relating to Gzilt was the topic.

Now only QiRia's amputated eyes remain to find out the truth about the truth. Ximenyr , its current owner, has been celebrating the ultimate sublimation party on a giant airship for five years and it is accordingly difficult to get hold of. Especially since the other side has now brought in heavy artillery. Vyr comes into possession of the eyes with considerable losses . Berdle , the ship's avatar, dies trying to protect her life.

Vyr and the culture are finally learning the truth through the Book of Truth . It is indeed a lie, a crude sociological experiment carried out by obscure Zihdrenian science sectarians . What now? The ships discuss the situation, discuss the possible consequences and decide to remain silent. The next day, 99.9% of the Gzilt civilization perform the act of sublimation. Vyr Cossont, however, does not take this step. She joins the culture and is apparently looking forward to another adventure. The novel ends as it began, Vyr practices playing the hydrogen sonata one more time .

Relevant species, people and culture vessels


The Gzilt are an ancient, humanoid civilization. You are at about the same technical level as the culture, i.e. level eight. You are not a member of the culture, but you are mentally closely connected to it. 10,000 years after the founding of the culture, the Gzilt now want to switch to sublimation.

Liseid , fluid, aquatic species at level five of the universally recognized stages of development, a known scavanger species, i.e. that is, they plunder the legacies of sublimated civilizations. A larger fleet of the Liseiden is approaching the home system of the Gzilt .

Ronte , an insectoid Scavanger species, the same stage of development as the Liseiden . A Ronte fleet is also approaching the Gzilt home system.

Zidhren or Zidhren survivors, a long-sublimated species, whose retarded survivors still feel responsible for the deeds of their predecessors.


Vyr Cossont , Lieutenant Commander of the Reserve, a young Gzyltmusikerin who grew an extra pair of arms in order to be able to play a complicated piece of music with an even more complicated instrument.

Pyan , the intimate of Vyr Cossont, an artificial, flying entity that hugs its owner's neck like a scarf.

Berdle , Avatar of the Culture Ship Don't believe ..., supports Vyr Cossont in her search for the memories of QiRia.

Septam Bangstegeyn , an extremely ambitious Gzilt politician, is determined to lead his species into sublimation under his leadership. In order to achieve this goal, he does not shy away from the murder of the President.

Parinherm Eglyle , the Gziltische android entity, suffers from the obsession to act in a simulation. More or less helpful companion from Vyr Cossont.

Ximenyr , a Gzilt artist, follower of radical body art and physical enhancement, is hosting the ultimate five-year sublimation party on the airship Aquatorial 353. In his possession are special memories from QiRia.

Colonel Agansu , a fanatical militarist, destroys the ship with the embassy of the Zidhren survivors and the plenetoids Fzan-Juym, the headquarters of the Socialist-Republican People's Liberation Regiment number 14. Tireless pursuer of Vyr Cossont.

Marshal Chekwri , Commander in Chief of the Gzilt Forces, teams up with Septam Bangstegeyn to keep the secret of the truth. Give Colonel Angansu his murderous orders.

QiRia , male, full name Tursensa Ngaroe Hgan QiRia sam Yutton, an extremely long-lived humanoid who allegedly even attended the founding meeting of the culture. His memories are essential for establishing the truth.

Scoaliera Tefwe , embedded female members of the culture, former lover of QiRia. Is woken up to determine the whereabouts of this man. She knows where to ask:

Hassipura Plyne-Frie , an ancient culture drone, which would be an understatement to assess "eccentric". Has lived on an orbital in the desert for 400 years, working on artificial sand stream complexes.


Ship classifications in culture: ASS = general system ship, BAE = limited attack unit, AKE = general contact unit, UK = unknown classification, MSS = medium system ship, BSS = limited system ship, BKG = limited contact unit rubble class

  • ASS empiricist
  • BAE caconym
  • ASS content may vary
  • LFS displacement activity
  • ASS Only the washing instructions for life's plump tissue
  • UK Don't think so ... (The full name of the ship can be found on page 680.)
  • MSS Came by and thought I'd have a look
  • MSS pressure drop
  • BSS you call that clean?
  • BKG Better than work
  • Cheerful disregard for unpleasant facts
  • Teething problems
  • Smile tolerantly
  • Melancholy keeps every triumph
  • ... actually warm
  • Everything considered legally
  • Refreshingly indifferent to the vulgar requirements of truthfulness
  • 7 * Uagren
  • 5 * Gelish oplule
  • 8 * Churkun , Giltian battle cruiser.
  • Fast random intervention unit
  • Unsure witness
  • Excellent contribution to the historical process
  • Gellemtyan-Asool-Anafawaya
  • Value judgment
  • Learned answer
  • New toys
  • Questionable ethics
  • Quiatrea-Anang
  • Abalule-Sheliz
  • Fulanya-Guang
  • Enthusiastic thrift III
  • zoologist


Individual evidence

  1. ^ Iain Banks dies of cancer aged 59 . BBC. June 9, 2013. Retrieved June 10, 2013.