Thedtsho Weighed

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Thedtsho Weighed
Basic data
Country Bhutan
District Wangdue Phodrang
surface 31 km²
Residents 2222 (2005)
density 72 inhabitants per km²
ISO 3166-2 BT-24

Coordinates: 27 ° 28 ′ 30 ″  N , 89 ° 53 ′ 30 ″  E

Thedtsho ( Dzongkha : ཐེད་ ཚོ་ ) is one of fifteen Gewogs (blocks) of the Dzongkhag Wangdue Phodrang in central Bhutan . Thedtsho Gewog is in turn divided into five Chiwogs (constituencies). The Gewog is located in the west of the Wangdue Phodrang district and is divided by the Puna Tsang Chhu into a western part with two Chiwogs and an eastern part with three Chiwogs.

According to the 2005 census, 2222 people live in this area of ​​453 households in an area of ​​31 km². Referring to a more recent census from 2012, the Dzongkhag Administration names a population of 1270 people in 166 households in 18 villages on its website, while the election commission lists only six villages or hamlets.

Thedtsho is the smallest Gewog in area in the Wangdue Phodrang district and 20% is covered with forest. About 80% of the population are rice farmers, especially in Rinchengang, two rice harvests are achieved. In addition, wheat and mandarins are grown and milk, cheese and butter are produced.

At state institutions there is a primary school in addition to the Gewog administration. In addition, the Tencholing Army Training Center is part of the Thedtsho Gewog. During the restoration work on Wangdue Phodrang Dzong , the Gewog also houses the administration of the district.

In total there are four Buddhist temples ( Lhakhangs ) in state and community ownership .

Chiwog Villages or hamlets
Thang Goo
ཐང་ མགུ་
Thang Goo
དམར་ ཏ་ ལུང་ ཅུ་
ཝང་ ཇོ་ ཁ་
Jang Rinchhengang
བྱང་ _ རིན་ ཆེན་ སྒང་
Lho Rinchhengang
ལྷོ་ _ རིན་ ཆེན་ སྒང་

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