Theodor Zink Museum

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Theodor Zink Museum
place Kaiserslautern
historical Museum
opening 1934 (first opening)
1978 (reopening after moving)
City of Kaiserslautern
Bernd Klesmann
ISIL DE-MUS-071512
Entrance gate

The Theodor-Zink-Museum is a museum in Kaiserslautern . It was founded in 1934 by Theodor Zink and named after him. In addition to a permanent exhibition on the city's history, changing exhibitions are shown in the museum . The barn of the museum is used regularly for cultural events such as readings and chamber concerts. The building is also a listed building .


The Theodor-Zink-Museum is located in the city center of Kaiserslautern at Steinstraße 48.


The local researcher and curator of the Landesgewerbeanstalt Kaiserslautern Theodor Zink (1871-1934) began in 1925 to exhibit his collected works. Initially, the city of Kaiserslautern made some rooms available to him on a provisional basis. However, due to countless donations in kind from the population, it had to expand quickly. For this purpose, the museum moved to the former Spittelmühle on Stiftsplatz in 1934 . Zink himself died a few weeks before the museum opened. During the Second World War , the collections were moved to different locations. In 1978 the museum moved again and is now located in a converted four-sided courtyard. In 2001 the museum was redesigned and a permanent exhibition on the city's history was set up. The neighboring Wadgasserhof is also part of the museum .


The building, whose address is Steinstraße 48, is an earlier four-sided courtyard with a half-hipped roof that stands over a barrel-vaulted cellar. The building complex itself also includes half-timbered stables and a barn. It was built in 1817 by Johann Gelbert . At first it functioned as a carter inn. Since Kaiserslautern was part of the Rhine district belonging to Bavaria at that time , Gelbert gave it the name "Zum Rheinkreis". After his death in 1822, the farm became the property of his widow and son. With the construction of the Palatine Ludwigsbahn Ludwigshafen – Bexbach, which ran via Kaiserslautern, in 1847 and 1849, it lost its importance for carters. In the period that followed, the building was still used as a pub before Gelbert's descendants sold it to the city in 1940. In the mid-1970s, as part of its conversion into a museum, it was also renovated and, among other things, gutted.

Permanent exhibition

The permanent exhibition is dedicated to the city of Kaiserslautern as well as the most important epochs and events in the city and its region. It is almost completely structured as a tour and leads chronologically from the past - the turn of the 6th to the 5th millennium BC. BC - until the 20th century. Several exhibition rooms show the different epochs here. The first room is dedicated to the Middle Ages and the early modern period, the next covers the period from the mid-16th to the end of the 19th century. The last room presents companies from Kaiserslautern and their products, but also shows various developments, political events and catastrophes, such as the two world wars.

Museum director

  • 1935–1941: Hermann Moos
  • 1976-2004: Peter F. Dunkel
  • 2004–2011: Marlene Jochem
  • 2011–2016: Jens Stöcker
  • since 2016: Bernd Klesmann

Web links

Commons : Theodor-Zink-Museum  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. a b Informational directory of cultural monuments - district-free city of Kaiserslautern . (PDF; 1.33 MB) Retrieved November 10, 2013 .
  2. Stadtmuseum Kaiserslautern (Theodor-Zink-Museum / Wadgasserhof) - history. In: Retrieved July 2, 2019 .
  3. Stadtmuseum Kaiserslautern (Theodor-Zink-Museum / Wadgasserhof) - the museum. In: Retrieved July 2, 2019 .
  4. Stadtmuseum Kaiserslautern (Theodor-Zink-Museum / Wadgasserhof) - The house "Zum Rheinkreis". In: Retrieved July 2, 2019 .
  5. ^ City Museum Kaiserslautern (Theodor-Zink-Museum / Wadgasserhof) - exhibitions. In: Retrieved July 2, 2019 .

Coordinates: 49 ° 26 ′ 50.6 "  N , 7 ° 46 ′ 31.8"  E