Theodor Berthold (musician)

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Karl Friedrich Theodor Berthold (born December 18, 1815 in Dresden ; † April 28, 1882 there ) was a German organist .


Berthold received his music lessons in Dresden from Ernst Julius Otto and Johann Gottlob Schneider junior . In 1837 he entered the service of General Clemens Cerrini de Monte Varchi as a music teacher and went to Russia in 1840. From 1843 on he taught at the noble Fräulein-Stift in Charkiw , in 1849 he was transferred to the Fräulein-Stift in Saint Petersburg . From 1854 he worked there as music director and organist at the Sankt-Annen-Kirche . Berthold also gave music lessons, wrote music reviews and in 1858 was appointed professor of composition theory at the imperial court choir. In 1864 Berthold was appointed court organist of the Sophienkirche in Dresden as the successor to Johann Gottlob Schneider .


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Individual evidence

  1. ^ Heike Müns: Music and Migration in East Central Europe. Oldenbourg Verlag, 2005