Theretra capensis

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Theretra capensis
Illustration by Theretra capensis

Illustration by Theretra capensis

Class : Insects (Insecta)
Order : Butterflies (Lepidoptera)
Family : Swarmers (Sphingidae)
Subfamily : Macroglossinae
Genre : Theretra
Type : Theretra capensis
Scientific name
Theretra capensis
( Linnaeus , 1764)

Theretra capensis is a butterfly ( moth ) from the family of moth (Sphingidae).


The moths have a fore wing length of 38 to 50 millimeters. Their coloring is very variable. The body and forewings are pale green, pale greyish or pale yellowish brown, with traces of darker markings that may be more pronounced in some individuals. The hind wings are pink with a green pattern. The antennae and front legs are yellow to orange.

The caterpillars are green, blue-green, yellowish brown or reddish pink. Your body is relatively thick. A wide, blue-green longitudinal band runs along the back, which is spotted yellow and white and encloses a purple center line. The sides of the body are bluish with an indistinct green oblique stripe that runs from the fourth or fifth segment to the anal horn . This is very short, strong, curved downwards and purple. On the third segment there is an oval eye-spot that is slightly raised. It is white and has a purple core. The front legs are dark red. The pink color variant of the caterpillar has a yellow side stripe.

distribution and habitat

The species is widespread from the Cape of Good Hope to Kenya and is quite common. She inhabits forests.

Way of life

Theretra capensis usually flies at dusk, but can also be seen in the morning or afternoon when the sun is still shining. The caterpillars feed on grapevines ( Vitis ), Cissus , Rhoicissus and Ampelopsis .

supporting documents

Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b c Mike Picker, Charles Griffiths, Alan Weaving: Field Guide to Insects of South Africa . New Holland Publishers, 2004, ISBN 978-1770070615 .
  2. a b c d e Elliot Pinhey : Hawk Moths of Central and Southern Africa , Longmans Southern Afrika, Cape Town 1962.


  • Mike Picker, Charles Griffiths, Alan Weaving: Field Guide to Insects of South Africa . New Holland Publishers, 2004, ISBN 978-1770070615 .
  • Elliot Pinhey: Hawk Moths of Central and Southern Africa , Longmans Southern Afrika, Cape Town 1962.

Web links

Commons : Theretra capensis  - collection of images, videos and audio files