Thomas Roeb

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Thomas Roeb (2018)

Thomas Roeb (* 1964 in Gürzenich ) is a German author , management consultant , trade expert and university lecturer .

After graduating from high school, Thomas Roeb studied business administration in Bayreuth and Trier . He then worked as the sales manager at Aldi Süd. In 1990 he became a research assistant at the University of Siegen , where he received his doctorate in 1993 . He then worked for the management consultancy Roland Berger . In 1998 he became a professor for commercial management at the Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences , where he teaches marketing and logistics for retail and consumer goods companies. As a part-time job he advises and advised various companies, for example the Metro Group , Rewe , Edeka , Lidl , dm-drogerie markt , Nestlé and the Tönnies Group .

Roeb collects artillery cannons from all over the world. Among other things, he owns two dozen armored vehicles . For this fifth largest collection in Europe, he is currently building a 1,100 m² hall in the industrial park in Huchem-Stammeln , a district of Niederzier in the Düren district . The collection should be presented from 2017.

Specialist publications (selection)

  • Aldi success factors . In: Chain Store Age (J), April 1994, pp. 71-72.
  • Metro success factors . In: Chain Store Age (J), April 1994, pp. 73-74.
  • Core elements optimally designed - Aldi discounter: Benchmarking for successful action . In: Lebensmittelzeitung (D) 20, May 19, 1995, pp. 66-70.
  • Lidl, en bronze reus? In: Distributie vandaag (B), June-July 1995, pp. 46-48.
  • Optimal in the central warehouse . In: Lebensmittelzeitung (D) 2, January 12, 1996, pp. 46-48.
  • Optimizing the Distribution Center . In: ECR Europe Is Taking The Initiative, special edition from Lebensmittelzeitung (D), January 12, 1996, pp. 4-6.
  • Inside Aldi . In: Handelsjournal (D) 2, February 1997, pp. 24-26.
  • Academics are very popular . In: Die Welt (D) 35, August 28, 1999, special advertisement publication "Handel special", p. 1.
  • Customer orientation in Germany - better than its reputation? . In: Heiner Spalink (Ed.): Kundenparadies Deutschland , Berlin u. a. 2003, pp. 3-18.


Individual evidence
