Thomas Wagenitz

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Thomas Wagenitz (born December 24, 1945 in Berlin ) is a German lawyer . From 1999 to 2010 he was a judge at the Federal Court of Justice .


Thomas Wagenitz began his legal career after completing his studies at the Free University of Berlin (1969) and his legal clerkship in Berlin in 1974 in the judicial service of West Berlin . In 1975 he moved to the Federal Ministry of Justice where he was appointed government director in 1979 and Ministerialrat in 1988 . In 1980 and 1981 he headed the ministerial office and was personal assistant to the Federal Minister of Justice Hans-Jochen Vogel . From 1983 he headed the fundamental department for family and inheritance law in the ministry .

In 1999 Thomas Wagenitz was appointed judge at the Federal Court of Justice, where he held the XII. Civil Senate belonged to. At the Federal Court of Justice, he was primarily concerned with family law. The highest court rulings on marriage contract law , property disputes between spouses and maintenance law were significantly influenced by him. Wagenitz helped to prepare important fundamental decisions on marriage and child name law . A fundamental judgment drawn up by him on the unconstitutionality of the former cash value ordinance led to the fundamental reorganization of the law on pension equalization . He contributed to two fundamental judgments of the Federal Court of Justice on the binding nature of living wills and on the delimitation of active and passive euthanasia .

Thomas Wagenitz also teaches as an honorary professor at the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg and has published on childcare , naming and child rights. He is co-editor of specialist books and the magazine for all family law .

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