Thutmose (Viceroy of Kush)

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Thutmose (Viceroy of Kush) in hieroglyphics
C3 ms

Born of Thoth

Thutmose was an ancient Egyptian official who officiated under Akhenaten (about 1351-1334 BC). He carried the important title of Viceroy of Kush and was thus the chief administrator of the Nubian provinces. He is the only known official with this title from Akhenaten's reign. He began his career under Amenhotep III.

Thutmose is known from a short rock inscription on the island of Sehel in the very south of Egypt. There he is shown standing. In front of him is the throne name of Akhenaten Nefer-cheperu-Re-wa-en-Re (with perfect figures, the only one of Re) and below the short inscription of the king's son Thutmose . King's son is the short form of the title of the viceroy of Kush , it is not a biological son of the ruler. In Buhen there were fragments of a stele from the reign of Akhenaten, which tells of the suppression of a Nubian uprising. The stele is not well preserved. A king's son and head of the (southern) foreign countries is called twice, but the name is broken away. The aforementioned viceroy of Kush may also have been Thutmose. Thutmose is also known from a statue that was found at Gebel Barkal . He probably had a chapel in Jebel al-Silsila . Chapel 26, unfinished and only inscribed at the entrance, can be attributed to him. The name of King Amenhotep III appears there. The title Viceroy of Kush has been preserved, but the name has been lost. The person named there also bears the title of Head of the Two Thrones . The rare title of a viceroy of Kush is only attested to by Thutmose, which makes it seem certain that the chapel belonged to him.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Annie Gasse, Vincent Rondot: Les inscriptions de Séhel. Institut Francais d'Archéologie Orientale, Cairo 2007, ISBN 978-2-7247-0434-1 , p. 165, no.SEH 269, photo on p. 501.
  2. ^ HS Smith: The Fortress of Buhen, The Inscriptions (= Excavation Memoir / Egypt Exploration Society. Volume 48; Excavations at Buhen. Volume 2 .; Excavation Memoir (Egypt Exploration Society). Volume 48). Egypt Exploration Society, London 1976, ISBN 0-85698-045-5 , pp. 124-129, panel XXIX, LXXV, 3, 4.
  3. Ingeborg Müller: The administration of Nubia in the New Kingdom (= Meroitica. Volume 18). Harrassowitz, Wiesbaden 2013, ISBN 978-3-447-06977-9 , pp. 116-117.
predecessor Office successor
Merimose Viceroy of Kush Huy (Viceroy of Kush)