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Merimose in hieroglyphics
M17 M17 F31 S29

Mrj ms
SarcophagusOfTheVizierMerymose (TopDetail) -BritishMuseum-August21-08.jpg
Inner sarcophagus of the Merimose (detail); British Museum (EA 1001)
Stele from Semna (detail); British Museum (EA 657)
Stele from Tombos (Merimose, a cartridge adoring Amenhotep III )

Merimose was an ancient Egyptian official of the 18th dynasty , who under Amenhotep III. (about 1388 to about 1351 BC) officiated. He carried the important title of Viceroy of Kush and was thus the chief administrator of the Nubian provinces. He is the only known official with this title from the reign of Amenhotep III.

supporting documents

Merimose is attested on numerous monuments. A military company of Amenhotep III is shown on a stele from Semna . called who directed Merimose. A Nubian campaign by the ruler is documented for the 5th year of his reign, to which the events of this undated stele may also refer, although this is not certain.

Merimose is still occupied in the 30th year of the ruler's Sedfest , which results in a term of office of at least 25 years. He is also best known from a number of rock inscriptions in Lower Nubia.


His grave ( TT383 ) is in Qurnet Murrai ( Thebes-West ). It was used as a farm building in the last century. Only sparse remains of decorations were found. In the burial chamber there were three sarcophagi placed one inside the other , the fragments of which are in various museums around the world. Canopic jugs , a statue and so-called grave cones also come from the grave . In the 22nd dynasty , Merimose was reburied in the cachette of Deir el-Bahari under Scheschonq I to protect against grave robbers .


Web links

Commons : Merimose  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b Bertha Porter, Rosalind LB Moss, Ethel W. Burney: Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Reliefs, and Paintings. I. The Theban Necropolis. Part 1. Private Tombs. 1970, p. 436.
  2. Translation of the stele
  3. Nicholas Reeves , Richard H. Wilkinson : The Valley of the Kings. Mysterious realm of the dead of the pharaohs. Translated from the English by Hermann Kusterer, Peter Klumbach. Weltbild, Augsburg 2000, ISBN 3-8289-0739-3 , p. 197.
predecessor Office successor
Amenhotep Viceroy of Kush Thutmose