Amenhotep (Viceroy of Kush)

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Amenhotep was a high ancient Egyptian official of the 18th dynasty who served under Thutmose IV . He was Viceroy of Kush and thus the chief official in the Nubian provinces. He is known from an inscription on the island of Sehel , in the far south of Egypt. On this island there are rocks on which there are many inscriptions, which were placed by local officials, but also by high dignitaries who passed here. In this inscription, Amenhotep bears the titles of head of the cattle of Amun , head of labor in Upper and Lower Egypt , head of his majesty's stables and head of the southern foreign lands . His actual official title there is King's Son of Kusch , often translated as Viceroy of Kush . The title appears here for the first time in its full form, while the officials were previously only referred to as the prince's son . The rock inscription is not dated, but there is a stele dated under Thutmose IV, on which a king's son and head of the cattle of Amun appears. It will be the same person. There was also a statue of Amenhotep in Deir el-Medina .

Individual evidence

  1. Annie Gasse, Vincent Rondot: Les inscriptions de Séhel , Cairo 2007 ISBN 978-2-7247-0434-1 , pp. 158-159, no. SEH 264
  2. Labib Habachi : Königssohn von Kusch , in: W. Helck, W. Westendorf (editor): Lexikon der Ägyptologie , III, Wiesbaden 1980, ISBN 3-447-02100-4 , p. 632
  3. ^ Wolfgang Helck : Documents of the 18th Dynasty , Issue 18, Berlin 1956, pp. 1635–1637 online
predecessor Office successor
Usersatet Viceroy of Kush Merimose