Veterinary training

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The veterinary training is the part-time expansion and updating of knowledge and skills after graduation and after receiving the approval as a veterinarian based on the training procedure of the competent veterinary association . The compulsory further training in Germany is 60 hours in three years, whereby one hour is set at 45 minutes. For specialist veterinarians and for specialist veterinarians with further training authorization , higher hours apply. Further training events must be recognized by the Academy for Veterinary Training and are published in the Deutsches Tierärzteblatt . In addition to attending events such as congresses, meetings, weekend courses or evening events, part of the compulsory hours can also be acquired through online training courses or through training courses in specialist journals with multiple choice tests . The veterinary chambers are responsible for monitoring compliance with the training obligation.

In addition to the compulsory further training that every veterinarian has to complete, there are also postgraduate courses lasting several years with the acquisition of special titles such as specialist veterinarian, sub-specialist and additional designations or the diploma .

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