Tihomir (Župan)

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Tihomir ruled as the Serbian Großžupan over Raszien , Dioklitien and the coastal countries Hum and Travunien (today Herzegovina ) in the period from 1165 to 1167.

After the rebellious Desa was deposed by Byzantium , Byzantium divided its empire among the four sons of Zavida:

  • Tihomir in Raszien,
  • Stracimir in Dioclitia (Duklja),
  • Miroslav in the coastal lands and
  • Nemanja in Toplica in what is now central Serbia.

Tihomir too soon revolted against Byzantium and was supported by his brother Stracimir. On the other hand, Nemanja and Miroslav held to Byzantium. With Byzantine support, Nemanja defeated his two brothers and became the sole ruler of Raszien and Dioclitia. Miroslav recognized Nemanja as Großžupan, and his descendants ruled as Župane in what is now Herzegovina until the end of the 13th century.

predecessor Office successor
Desa Großzupan of Serbia
1165 - 1167
Stefan Nemanja