Tilloidea unifasciata

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Tilloidea unifasciata
Tilloidea unifasciata

Tilloidea unifasciata

Order : Beetle (Coleoptera)
Subordination : Polyphaga
Family : Colored Beetle (Cleridae)
Subfamily : Tillinae
Genre : Tilloidea
Type : Tilloidea unifasciata
Scientific name
Tilloidea unifasciata
( Fabricius , 1787)

Tilloidea unifasciata is a beetle from the family of colored beetles and the subfamily Tillinae .

The species name "unifasciata" refers to the fact that the beetle wears a striking white cross-band on the wing covers (uni (Latin) = one, fasciata (Latin) = banded).

Fig. 1: Puncturing of the wing cover in the shoulder area
Fig. 2: Tarsus of the forefoot, copy on the right with numbered tarsal links and borders of the tarsal links traced in green

Characteristics of the beetle

The body is cylindrical and almost four times as long as it is wide. Head, pronotum and shoulders are protruding long and hairy.

The head is tilted downwards. The last link of the well-developed lip probe is ax-shaped. The eleven-segment antennae widen outwards, but the 9th and 10th segments are not wider than the middle segments. From the fourth onwards, the feeler elements are extended inwards like a sawtooth. The compound eyes are large and deeply indented at the antenna base.

The pronotum is black, densely dotted , significantly longer than it is wide, and has a border. At the front it is about as wide as the head. At the base it tapers and is constricted like a belt and there significantly narrower than the elytra.

The wing covers have almost right-angled shoulders, run parallel on the sides and are individually rounded at the back. They are very roughly dotted in rows, the rows disappear to the back. The spaces between the points are smaller than these and not punctured (Fig. 1). The elytra on the shoulders are long and dark, behind them, shorter and lighter, coarsely haired. They are usually less than half the length red at the base and black behind. In the front area of ​​the black part there is a wide white cross band. The red area rarely extends to the front edge of the transverse band. The transverse tie continues to the black wing seam.

The front hip cavities are open at the back, the front hips approach each other, the rear hips are broadly separated. The tarsi are clearly five-limbed, limbs 1 to 4 are nested like a bag (Fig. 2). The front tarsi are no wider than the other tarsi. At the hind tarsus, the basal phalanx is no shorter than the second phalanx. The claws have a small tooth on both sides on the inside.


The species can be found in early summer on old woods, such as vines, and on flowering bushes. The beetle reproduces insects living in the wood .


Tilloidea unifasciata is only found in places and usually rarely. The distribution area is somewhat diffuse. In the west the beetle is found in Spain , France and Great Britain , in Central Europe in Switzerland and Austria , in Southern Europe in Italy and Greece , in Eastern Europe in the Czech Republic , Hungary , Croatia and Serbia , and also in Turkey .

Individual evidence

  1. a b Tilloidea unifasciata in Fauna Europaea. Retrieved December 17, 2010
  2. ^ Website of the working group of Southwest German Coleopterologists


  • Heinz Joy, Karl Wilhelm Harde, Gustav Adolf Lohse: The beetles of Central Europe . tape 6 : Diversicornia . Spectrum, Heidelberg 1979, ISBN 3-87263-027-X .

Web links

Commons : Tilloidea unifasciata  - album with pictures, videos and audio files