Tim Rohrmann

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Tim Rohrmann (* 1963 in Hamburg ) is a German psychologist .


After High School on school Osterbek the son studied Bernd pipe's 1987-1993 Psychology at the TU Braunschweig . He trained her in integrative therapy / gestalt psychotherapy. For many years I worked as a freelancer in advanced training and consulting as well as in research and practical projects on development and pedagogy in elementary and primary schools. Since 2001 he has been head of the Wechselspiel - Institute for Education and Psychology in Denkte near Wolfenbüttel . In 2008 I wrote my dissertation at the University of Oldenburg on the subject of two worlds? Gender segregation in childhood: empirical research and educational practice in dialogue . From 2014 to 2018 he taught as a professor for education and development in childhood at the EHS Dresden . Since 2018 he has held the professorship for childhood education at the HAWK Hildesheim .

His areas of interest are developmental psychology, gender, gender-conscious pedagogy, education and educational mandates in daycare centers and primary schools, conflict learning and prevention. He is married to Sabine Rohrmann and has two daughters.

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