Tobias caddis fly

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Tobias caddis fly
Class : Insects (Insecta)
Subclass : Flying insects (Pterygota)
Order : Caddisflies (Trichoptera)
Family : Hydropsychidae
Genre : Hydropsyche
Type : Tobias caddis fly
Scientific name
Hydropsyche tobiasi
Malicky , 1977

The Tobias caddis fly ( Hydropsyche tobiasi ) is an extinct species of caddis fly . It is named after the German entomologist Wolfgang Tobias from the Senckenberg Society for Nature Research , who was the first to examine it in 1972. It was scientifically described in 1977 by the Austrian entomologist Hans Malicky on the basis of old museum specimens that had previously been mistaken for Hydropsyche exocellata .


The body was dark brown, the legs were lighter. The forewings were uniformly pale brown and without markings. The hind wings were a little lighter. The fore wing length was 11 to 13 mm. The eyes were just as big as those of Hydropsyche exocellata , so the species were confused again and again. There are differences mainly with regard to the copulatory apparatus. The aedeagus is bulbous in H. exocellata and the forewings are also distinctly light and dark gray piebald. The larvae of the Tobias caddis fly are not known.

die out

All documented occurrences were on terraces of the Middle Rhine between Cologne and Mainz . According to Malicky's research, the species was observed more frequently between 1906 and 1914 and in the 1920s. The last evidence comes from the year 1938. More recent investigations by Wolfgang Tobias (1999) on old collection material from Walter Döhler (1891–1988) showed, however, that H. tobiasi also occurred on the Main near Klingenberg in the 1930s. In 1980, Hans Malicky undertook search expeditions on the banks of the Rhine near Bonn , Bad Säckingen , Wiesbaden-Schierstein , Oppenheim and Ingelheim am Rhein , but they were unsuccessful. In the 20th century, urban and industrial pollution severely affected the Rhine, causing many species of caddis flies to disappear.


  • SM Wells, RM Pyle & NM Collins: IUCN Invertebrate Red Data Book . International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources, 1983, ISBN 2880326028 .
  • Neu, PJ & Tobias, W. (2004): The determination of the Hydropsychidae (Insecta: Trichoptera) occurring in Germany. - Lauterbornia, No. 51: 1-68. Shards of spelled.

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Individual evidence

  1. Hans Malicky: A contribution to the knowledge of the Hydropsyche guttata group (Trichoptera, Hydropsychidae) . 1–28 In: Journal of the Austrian Working Group. Entomologists, vol. 29, 1/2, 1977.