Tomas Sager

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Tomas Sager is a German right-wing extremism expert and anti-fascist publicist .

As a freelance journalist, he is a. a. works for the journalist office r-press and the anti-racist education forum Rhineland (ABR). Since the 1990s he has published with u. a. jungle World , Lotta , Antifascist Info Sheet , The Right Edge , Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitung and Vorwärts . Since 2000 he has been writing regularly for the SPD- related information portal Blick nach rechts (bnr) about right-wing extremist movements and parties. He gave interviews to specialist magazines such as MiGAZIN on the subject of cultural racism and daily newspapers, etc. a. the New Germany .

In 2009 the Federal Agency for Political Education (bpb) published a contribution to the pro-Cologne citizens' movement in the “Dossier Right-Wing Extremism” . A year later he published book chapters with Alexander Häusler and Jürgen Peters about the pro-movement (pro Cologne and pro NRW ). In 2013, a handout for the research focus right-wing extremism / neo-Nazism (FORENA) was published, which was written together with Alexander Häusler and Rainer Roeser at the University of Applied Sciences in Düsseldorf on behalf of the State Integration Council of North Rhine-Westphalia on the subject of “Right- wing campaigns against immigrants and asylum seekers in North Rhine-Westphalia”.

Publications (selection)

  • With Jürgen Peters, Alexander Häusler : PRO NRW and PRO D - development, structure and methodology . In: Alexander Häusler (Ed.): Right-wing populism as a "citizen movement". Campaigns against Islam and the construction of mosques and communal counter-strategies . VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, Wiesbaden 2008, ISBN 978-3-531-15919-5 , p. 72 ff.
  • With Alexander Häusler: The PRO activities in the context of the extreme right . In: Alexander Häusler (Ed.): Right-wing populism as a "citizen movement". Campaigns against Islam and the construction of mosques and communal counter-strategies . VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, Wiesbaden 2008, ISBN 978-3-531-15919-5 , p. 115 ff.

Web links