Tonalli River

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Tonalli River
location New South Wales , Australia
River system Hawkesbury River
Drain over Wollondilly River  → Coxs River  → Warragamba River  → Nepean River  → Hawkesbury River  → Tasman Sea
source Mount Armor in the Blue Mountains National Park
34 ° 6 ′ 19 ″  S , 150 ° 9 ′ 33 ″  E
Source height 676  m
muzzle Wollondilly River in Lake Burragorang Coordinates: 34 ° 7 '35 "  S , 150 ° 20' 45"  E 34 ° 7 '35 "  S , 150 ° 20' 45"  E
Mouth height 118  m
Height difference 558 m
Bottom slope 22 ‰
length 25.8 km
Reservoirs flowed through Lake Burroagorang
Small towns Yarranderie

The Tonalli River is a river in the east of the Australian state of New South Wales .

It rises in the southern part of the Blue Mountains National Park and flows to the east, where he worked in the Lake Burragorang and thus into the Wollondilly River flows .

The river runs in the uninhabited national park. About five kilometers downstream from the source is the small town of Yarranderie with the adjoining Yarranderie State Park , a national nature reserve that is integrated into the Blue Mountains National Park. Yarranderie is accessed from the west by a dirt road that leads from Oberon via Shooters Hill . The Yarranderie-Shooters Hill route is around 65 kilometers long. There are no other roads and paths on the Tonalli River.

See also

Individual evidence

  1. a b c Map of Tonalli River, NSW .
  2. ^ A b Steve Parish: Australian Touring Atlas . Steve Parish Publishing, Archerfield QLD 2007, ISBN 978-1-74193-232-4 .