Tone Tomšič

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Tone Tomšič

Tone Tomšič (born June 9, 1910 in Trieste , † May 21, 1942 in Ljubljana ) was a Slovenian communist and resistance fighter .


Tomšič attended high school in Ljubljana and Ptuj . After passing the Matura in Ljubljana (1930) studied Tomšič in Ljubljana and Zagreb the rights . Tomšič became a member of the Communist Youth Union of Yugoslavia (SKOJ) in 1928 and a member of the Communist Party of Yugoslavia (CPJ) in 1930 . Tomšič was arrested several times for his political activities. In 1937 he was elected to the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Slovenia (KPS), during the occupation of Slovenia Tomšič was organizational secretary of the Central Committee of the KPS. From 1940 Tomšič was a candidate for the CPY Central Committee. In 1941 he led the resistance struggle in Ljubljana from underground and was the editor of the illegal newspaper Slovenski Poročevalec . In December 1941, Tomšič and his wife Vida Tomšič were arrested by the Italian police and murdered by the Italian fascists on May 21, 1942 .


On October 25, 1943, he was posthumously awarded the title of “ People's Hero of Yugoslavia ” ( Národni herój Jugoslavije ). Tomšič is buried in the honorary crypt of the folk heroes ( Gróbnica národnih herójev ) in Ljubljana.

In 1946 the Academic Choir of the University of Ljubljana was named after him ( Akademski pevski zbor Tone Tomšič ).


  • Alenka Nedog: Tone Tomšič - oris življenja in revolucionarnega delovanja . Zavod Borec, Ljubljana 1969.

Web links

  • Томшич Тоне . In: Большая советская энциклопедия (Great Soviet Encyclopedia).