Tonny Vos-Dahmen from Buchholz

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Tonny Vos-Dahmen von Buchholz (born March 15, 1923 in The Hague ; † February 1, 2005 in Schiedam ) was a Dutch author and translator for children and young people . It was awarded the Silver Stylus twice (1975 and 1984).


Vos-Dahmen von Buchholz initially trained as a secretary . After the Second World War she worked as an editor for the newspaper De Nieuwe Nederlander . When the paper was discontinued, she was working as a translator from English and German . She has translated more than 60 books in total.

Vos-Dahmen von Buchholz was a member of the Archaeological Working Group of the Netherlands and wrote her first youth book De wiking van Walacra in 1971 following an excavation in which she was involved. She mainly wrote novels with a historical background.

Works (selection)

Only works that are available in German translation are included in this list. The works are sorted chronologically according to their first publication.

  • De wiking van Walacra (1971).
    • The young Viking. Union-Verlag, Stuttgart 1976.
  • Arenden viegen alleen (1974); awarded the Silver Stylus 1975.
    • Eagles fly alone. Union-Verlag, Stuttgart 1979.
  • De nieuwe vrijheid (1976).
    • Dragon ships heading for Iceland. Union-Verlag, Stuttgart 1979.
    • Island of fire and ice. Arena , Wuerzburg 1991.
  • Het right van de other (1979).
    • The saying of Zahori. Arena, Wuerzburg 1982.
  • De geur van de macchia (1980).
  • De gouden pucarina (1982).
    • In the realm of the four winds. Adventure of an Inca boy. Franz Schneider, Munich 1984. Bertelsmann , Munich 1992.
  • Van rendierjager tot roofridder (1983); awarded the Silver Stylus 1984.
    • From reindeer hunter to robber baron. Stories from history. Thienemann , Stuttgart 1986. Omnibus, Munich 1997.
  • The monster van de vuursteenmijn (1984).
    • The flint children. Hoch, Düsseldorf 1985.
  • Spookt't at Loch Ness? (1985).
    • Loch Ness riddle. Franz Schneider, Munich 1987.
  • Het land eighth de horizon (1986).
    • The journey to the horizon. Hoch, Düsseldorf 1987.
  • As een kat in the night (1987)
    • Like a cat in a dark night. Pestum, Würzburg 1989.
  • Het ein van de regenboog: waarom kwamen de Romeinen nooit naar Ierland? (1988).
    • The Red Haired Slave or Why Didn't the Romans Come to Ireland? Bertelsmann, Munich 1990.
  • Dead: toen de Noordzee nog land was (1989)
    • The loner. When the North Sea was still land. Bertelsmann, Munich 1994.
  • Het brullen van de Stier (1991).
    • When the bull roared. A historical novel. Bertelsmann, Munich 1994.
  • Het vlammend halssieraad (1993).
    • The flaming necklace. A historical novel. Bertelsmann, Munich 1995.
  • De komeet van Samos (1995).
    • The comet of Samos. The life of Pythagoras. Urachhaus , Stuttgart 1997.
  • De vervloekte eilande (1996).
    • The curse of the islands. Ellermann , Hamburg 2000.