Tragosoma soror

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Tragosoma soror
Order : Beetle (Coleoptera)
Subordination : Polyphaga
Family : Longhorn beetle (Cerambycidae)
Subfamily : Broadbuck (Prioninae)
Genre : Tragosoma
Type : Tragosoma soror
Scientific name
Tragosoma soror
Laplante , 2017

Tragosoma soror is a beetles from the family of the longhorn beetles (Cerambycidae) within the genus Tragosoma . It is distributed from Canada over parts of the Rocky Mountains to central California .


The males of Tragosoma soror reach a body length of 28 to 33 millimeters, the females are slightly larger with 34 to 38 millimeters. The body is largely similar to that of the other species of the genus and differs from these only in details, is red-brown to dark brown in color and flatly curved. As in the other species of the genus, the sides of the pronotum are weakly edged and clearly dotted; on the sides behind the middle sits a conspicuous thorn typical of the species. The wings are finely and flat dotted, especially at the base.

The antennae of the males reach back to about the last quarter or sixth of the wing, in the females they are relatively shorter and reach up to about half of the wing. They are flattened dorsoventrally in both from the third antennomer and become narrower towards the tip; they are also occupied with short visible setae , which are usually limited to a row along their medial margin. The antenna 3 has a ridge on the lateral edge and a porous area on the dorsal surface, which extends over almost the entire length.


The distribution area of Tragosoma soror stretches from southern British Columbia in Canada to the southeast in the Rocky Mountains to central-western Wyoming and south along the Cascade Mountains to the Sierra Nevada and the San Bernardino Mountains in California . In older literature, animals of this type were probably assigned to the billy goat ( Tragosoma depsarium ), which is now considered a purely Palearctic species with a distribution limited to Europe and Asia.

Way of life

Tragosoma soror lives as a cold-loving species mainly in cool coniferous forests at high altitudes of the Rocky Mountains and adjacent mountain ranges. It can occur from June to August, depending on the local climate. Its larvae develop in the wood of conifers like those of other species of the genus. It is documented from the wood of pine trees , and one of the assigned beetles was collected from a yellow pine ( Pinus ponderosa ). The animals live under loose bark during the day. Most of the specimens were caught in light traps, especially with UV light, in the area of ​​pine forests.


Phylogenetic systematics according to Laplante 2017

other prioninae


Tragosoma spiculum


Tragosoma soror


Tragosoma pilosicorne


Villus ibex ( T. depsarium )


Tragosoma nigripenne


Tragosoma harrisii

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Tragosoma soror is an independent species of longhorn beetles (Cerambycidae) and is classified there in the genus Tragosoma within the Prioninae . The first scientific description comes from the Canadian entomologist Serge Laplante of the Canadian National Collection of Insects, Arachnids and Nematodes, who described it in 2017 in a revision of the genus and differentiated from the Eurasian billybuck and various North American species.

With Tragosoma soror, there are currently six species within the genus Tragosoma (2017) . Sometimes beetles in North America were also considered to be representatives of the billy goat, but these belong to one of the species such as Tragosoma harrisii and Tragosoma soror , which are now regarded as independent . According to a cladogram on the relationships within the genus, Tragosoma soror is considered a sister species of Tragosoma spiculum .

The name of the genus is derived from the body shape of the animals, which is reminiscent of a billy goat . Tragosoma is made up of the Greek words "tragos" for "billy goat" and "soma" for "body". The epithet soror comes from the Latin and means "sister", with which it should indicate the close relationship to Tragosoma spiculum .

supporting documents

  1. a b c d e f g h Serge Laplante: Description of a new Nearctic species of Tragosoma Audinet-Serville (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae: Prioninae), with species validations, new synonymies and a lectotype designation. Insecta Mundi 0578, 2017: pp. 1–17. ( Full text ).
  2. a b c "Species: Tragosoma depsarium (Linnaeus 1767) - villi goat." In: Bernhard Klausnitzer, Ulrich Klausnitzer, Ekkehard Wachmann, Zdeněk Hromádko: Die longhorn beetles Central Europe . Die Neue Brehm-Bücherei 499, Volume 2, 4th edition. VerlagsKG Wolf, Magdeburg 2018, ISBN 978-389432-864-1 ; P. 348


  • Serge Laplante: Description of a new Nearctic species of Tragosoma Audinet-Serville (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae: Prioninae), with species validations, new synonymies and a lectotype designation. Insecta Mundi 0578, 2017: pp. 1–17. ( Full text ).