Different colored ground bug

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Different colored ground bug
Trapezonotus dispar (Lygaeidae), Putten, the Netherlands.jpg

Different colored ground bug ( Trapezonotus dispar )

Subordination : Bed bugs (heteroptera)
Family : Rhyparochromidae
Subfamily : Rhyparochrominae
Tribe : Gonianotini
Genre : Trapezonotus
Type : Different colored ground bug
Scientific name
Trapezonotus dispar
( Stål , 1872)

The different colors lygaeidae ( Trapezonotus dispar ) is a bug from the family of rhyparochromidae .


The bugs are 4.6 to 5.3 millimeters long. The species looks very similar to Trapezonotus arenarius and Trapezonotus desertus and is difficult to distinguish from them. A reliable determination is only possible by examining the parameters of the male genitalia. Both sexes have short and long-winged forms, long-winged (macroptere) are more common, especially in females.

distribution and habitat

The species is widespread in Central and Southern Europe and also occurs in North Africa. In the east the distribution area extends to central and southern Russia, as well as over Asia Minor to the Caucasus . In Germany, the species is particularly common in the south in some places, in the north it is becoming increasingly rare, north of the low mountain ranges it occurs only sporadically. The species is widespread in Austria and rises in the Alps to around 1500 meters above sea level. It colonizes dry to moderately moist soils in sunny, open and sometimes also shady habitats and is often found in the litter or under dead wood on the edge or in the interior of light deciduous forests with beech , oak or birch vegetation , less often in coniferous forests. It is not uncommon for the species to be detected in large numbers on the burned areas after forest fires. The species prefers moist and heavier soils than Trapezonotus arenarius and therefore rarely occurs together with this species.

Way of life

Since the animals can be found in large numbers under fungal dead wood and in the leaf litter, it is assumed that they suckle on fungal hyphae. The development cycle hardly differs from that of Trapezonotus desertus . In ideal years, an incomplete second generation can also appear in southern Germany.

supporting documents

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d Wachmann: Wanzen , Vol. 3, p. 141
  2. ^ Trapezonotus desertus. British Bugs, accessed December 29, 2013 .
  3. Different colored ground bug - Trapezonotus dispar STÅL, 1872. www.natur-in-nrw.de, accessed on December 29, 2013 .


  • Ekkehard Wachmann , Albert Melber, Jürgen Deckert: Bugs. Volume 3: Pentatomomorpha I: Aradoidea (bark bugs), Lygaeoidea (ground bugs, etc.), Pyrrhocoroidea (fire bugs) and Coreoidea (edge ​​bugs, etc.). (=  The animal world of Germany and the adjacent parts of the sea according to their characteristics and their way of life . 78th part). Goecke & Evers, Keltern 2007, ISBN 978-3-937783-29-1 .

Web links

Commons : Trapezonotus dispar  - collection of images, videos and audio files