Trebjesa brewery

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Nikšićko beer from the Trebjesa brewery

The Trebjesa Brewery has had its headquarters in Nikšić , Montenegro, since 1896 and is the only brewery in the country. Around 250 people are employed there. The brewery has been part of Molson Coors since 2012 .


The brewery was bought by the InBev Group in 1997 , which merged into Anheuser-Busch InBev in 2008 . When AB-InBev sold its Eastern European business to CVC Capital Partners in 2009, the Trebjesa Brewery also changed hands. The brewery became part of the new StarBev group. StarBev was sold to Molson Coors in 2012.


The annual production of the brewery is 0.5 million hectoliters , four types of beer are brewed in Nikšić:

  • Nikšićko pivo (pivo means beer in Serbian; literally "the beer from Nikšić")
  • Nik Gold (premium beer)
  • Nik Cool (beer with a slightly lower alcohol content, since 2003)
  • Nikšićko tamno (dark beer, since 2002)

The Nikšićko pivo has the largest share. This beer as well as the Nikšićko tamno is offered in bottles and cans but also on tap. Nik Gold and Nik Cool are only sold in 0.33L glass bottles. Beck’s beer and Stella Artois are bottled in the Trebjesa brewery for the local market .


In Montenegro, the beer from the Trebjesa Brewery is by far the most popular beer. It is also available in Serbia , Croatia , Slovenia , Albania and Bosnia and Herzegovina . Small quantities are also exported to the European Union , USA and Australia .

Web links

Homepage of the brewery

Individual evidence

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