Trifolium latinum

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Trifolium latinum
Order : Fabales (Fabales)
Family : Legumes (Fabaceae)
Subfamily : Butterflies (Faboideae)
Genre : Clover ( trifolium )
Section : Trifolium
Type : Trifolium latinum
Scientific name
Trifolium latinum

Trifolium latinum is a species of the genus clover ( Trifolium ). It is placed in the genus in the Trifolium section , Echinata subsection.


Trifolium latinum is an annual , herbaceous plant achieved the stature heights between 20 and 50 centimeters. The stem axis is hairy and slightly streaky. It is erect or ascending and branches out in the upper part.

The leaves are alternate, but the uppermost are opposite. The petioles become longer towards the top. The leaves are dreifedrig, the individual pinna between 2 and 3.5 centimeters long and 0.2 to 1 centimeter wide. The blades are elongated to linear and tapering towards the base. The leaf margin is finely indented in the upper part. They are hairy when pressed down. The stipules are paper-like with green longitudinal ribs and partially fused with the stem axis and petioles. The free part of the stipules is longer than the fused part and very slender.

The inflorescences are terminal. They are 1.5 to 2.5 inches long and egg-shaped. As the fruit ripens, the inflorescence becomes more compact. The calyx is tubular and ten-nerved in the lower part. The ribs are concealed by long hair. The calyx teeth are sickle-shaped and three-ivy at the base. The hair at the base of the calyx teeth is swollen. The crown is pink to white with purple dots on the boats . It is 2 to 2.5 times longer than the chalice.

The single-seeded legumes are paper-like and egg-shaped. They are thickened in the upper part. The seeds are about 2.5 millimeters long and dark brown in color. They are spherical and shiny.

The flowering period extends from April to June.

The number of chromosomes is 2n = 16.


Trifolium latinum is native to dense thickets and forests. The distribution area is on the Mediterranean in Bulgaria, Turkey and Greece as well as in parts of Italy and France.


After the fruit ripens, the fruit remains closed and the fruit does not fall at all until the plant crumbles; this spreading strategy is called aestatiphoria .


  • Michael Zohary, David Heller: The Genus Trifolium . The Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities , Jerusalem 1984, ISBN 978-965-208-056-1 , pp. 500 f .
  • John M. Gillett, Norman L. Taylor, M. Gillett: The World of Clovers . Iowa State University Press , Ames 2001, ISBN 978-0-8138-2986-9 , pp. 203 f .

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