Trinkl (unit)

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Trinkl was an Austrian measure of volume for liquids and was valid in Tyrol . The Bozener Maß differed from the Viennese .

The dimensional chain was

  • 1 measure = 2 drinks / halves = 4 Seidl / Vierling = 8 Pfiff / Fräggl / Fraggelen = 16 poodles = 32 jam pearls = 0.817 liters
  • 1 Fräggl = 0.102 liters
  • 8 measure = 1 patzeyn
  • 12 Patzeyn = 1 Yhren


  • Last memories of a Catholic school teacher of his pupils when they left public school and entered practical life. Montag und Weiß, Regensburg 1796, p. 135.
  • Karl Theodor Hoeniger: South Tyrolean Wine Guide. Ferrari-Auer, Bolzano 1964.