Triple ratio

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In the mathematics is Tripelverhältnis (engl. Triple ratio ) is an invariant of linear algebra that the cross ratio of the projective geometry generalized and in particular in the representation theory of surface groups is important.

Flags, generic triples

Let it be a -dimensional vector space . A complete flag is a sequence of subspaces with

and for , in particular and .

A triple of complete flags is called generic if all occurring subspaces are transverse to each other, which is a sufficient condition for this



Let be a generic triple of complete flags of a -dimensional vector space . We fix an isomorphism and thus also an isomorphism .

For each we choose elements


(Because of this, these elements are unique except for multiplication by real numbers other than zero.) We also denote the images of these elements with .

Be positive, whole numbers with . The (a, b, c) triple ratio of the generic triple of complete flags is defined by the formula


The six wedge products are each elements of , assuming genericity that they are all non-zero. Note that these are only clearly defined except for multiplication with real numbers, but that every element occurs equally in the numerator and denominator and is therefore well-defined.

Geometric interpretation for n = 3

The triple ratio of three flags in is the double ratio of the four projective straight lines after identifying the set of projective straight lines in with a projective straight line .

In particular:

  • the triple ratio is −1 if and only if either the straight lines have a common point ( theorem of Ceva ) or the points lie on a straight line ( theorem of Menelaus ) or both.
  • the triple ratio is positive if and only if the triangle ABC is inscribed in the triangle .

Complete invariant

The triple ratio is a complete invariant of generic triples with base changes :

Theorem (Fock-Goncharov): For two generic triples of complete flags and then and there is a linear mapping with



holds for all triples of positive, whole numbers with .


  • Fock- Goncharov : Moduli spaces of local systems and higher Teichmüller theory. Publ. Math. Inst. Hautes Études Sci. No. 103: 1-211 (2006). pdf
  • Bonahon -Dreyer: Parametrizing Hitchin components pdf

Individual evidence

  1. A detailed proof can be found in:
    Yuichi Kabaya: On Fock-Goncharov coordinates of the once-punctured torus groups pdf