Tyler Brooke

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Tyler Brooke

Tyler Brooke , actually Victor Hugo de Biere , (born June 6, 1886 in New York City , USA , † March 2, 1943 in Los Angeles , California ) was an American film and stage actor .


Tyler Brooke, of American-French descent, first studied business law and finance . Since 1920 he worked as an actor, first on Broadway , where he mainly played in contemporary plays, from 1925 also in film. Brooke mostly starred in short films during the silent film era. He also starred in a number of films directed by Hal Roach , along with Oliver Hardy and Stan Laurel . He has appeared in around 90 films in total.

The actor was married three times. On March 2, 1943, he committed suicide by carbon monoxide poisoning by running the engine of his car in his home garage.

Filmography (selection)

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