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Tyriespis († 325 BC ) was a governor of Alexander the great in Asia.

Tyriespis was of Iranian descent and probably already served in the administration of the Achaemenid Empire . For the first time, however, he is mentioned as a follower of Alexander, when Alexander met him during his campaign in 327 BC. He was appointed satrap of the Paropamisaden province as the successor of Proexes , which gave him control of the Hindu Kush. Immediately afterwards, Tyriespis and Philip put down the Assakan revolt in the neighboring province of Gandhara . His governorship was considered corrupt, which is why he was led by Alexander 325 BC. He was removed from office and replaced by Oxyartes , who already ruled in Gandhara. Tyriespis was sentenced to death and executed for his offenses.

Individual evidence

  1. Arrian Anabasis 4.22.5
  2. Arrian Anabasis 5.20.7
  3. Arrian Anabasis 6.15.3
  4. Curtius Rufus 9.8.9; Curtius called him "Terioltes"
