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Țuică at the Cheese and Țuică Festival in Răşinari

Țuică (pronounced /'ʦuj.kə/ ) is a traditional spirit from Romania . Țuică is made exclusively from different types of plums . “ Palincă ” and “ Rachiu ”, on the other hand, can also be distilled from other fermented fruits.


Țuică is made from the beginning of October to the beginning of December, with the manufacturing process should be completed by Christmas. The production is incumbent on the " Țuicăr " (names often differ depending on the region). The distillation process takes place either in a specially designated barn or outdoors. The plums are first fermented ( macerare ) in large vats ( butoaie / căldări ) for 6–8 weeks . For the distillation , a is the internal bladder from brass used traditionally heated by a wood fire. The temperature control and optimization during the distillation process takes place with the aid of acoustic signals from the still and by repeatedly costing the brew during production. This results in Țuică in three different degrees of strength:

  • A quarter is strong Țuică ( țuică de-a-ntâia ) with an alcohol content of 45–55% by volume. It is the first distillate from the still. As a rule, țuică de-a-ntâia is distilled twice and has a strong resemblance to “Palincă”.
  • Half of it is ordinary Țuică ( țuică de-a doua ) with an alcohol content of 30–40% by volume. It is the usual Țuică that is drunk the most.
  • Weak Țuică ( țuică de-a treia or apă de țuică ) with an alcohol content of 5–15% by volume emerges last.

Țuică, which is intended for immediate consumption after distillation, is called “fresh Țuică” ( țuică proaspătă ). Țuică intended for storage is aged in oak barrels for between six months and ten years. It is referred to as the "old Țuică" ( țuică bătrână ). When the ripening process is complete, it has a strong aroma with a shiny golden color.

High-quality Țuică must never turn white or opaque when mixed with water .

Sale and trade

Most of the Țuică traded are branded black. It is often sold in unlabelled PET bottles at markets, trade fairs or on the street . Although the Romanian government is aware of this, the trade is largely tolerated as the Țuică has the status of a national drink. The use of Țuică from an unknown source is warned. Țuică that is not purely produced can cause serious damage to health. Some Romanian municipalities have obtained a license and legally market Țuică.

A well-known Țuică brand is “Țuica de Piteşti”. It is named after the mountains that surround the Romanian city of Piteşti and on which the plums for this brand grow. "Țuica de Piteşti" was later renamed "Ochii lui Dobrin" (German "Dobrin's eyes"), after Nicolae Dobrin , a famous Romanian football player of the 1970s, and marketed under this name.

Medical consideration

Research results from American biochemists showed that consuming Țuică in small amounts can prevent heart disease as well as stomach and gallbladder problems. The amount is limited to a maximum of 30 milliliters a day. The researchers found that the drink contains an enzyme that can reduce the build-up of cholesterol in the arteries. Another group of researchers discovered six substances that stimulate red blood cell production. The drink should be used around 10 to 15 minutes before lunch, this promotes the absorption of nutrients from the food.


  • Paul Schuster : Five liters of Zuika or The Confusions, Tests of Fate and the Gradual Enlightenment of the Less Wealthy Thomas Schieb from Kleinsommersberg. Novel in seven parts. Bucharest (1962); New edition: Schiller, Hermannstadt / Bonn 2009.


  • Quality and Safety Analysis for some Traditional Homemade Fruit Distillates from Transylvania (North West Romania). In: Agriculture. Bulletin of University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca. 2010 Volume 67, No. 2, 2010, pp. 395-403 ( journals.usamvcluj.ro , Romanian).

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Max Stein: Tuica - Romania's “White Lightning”. thedrinksbusiness.com, December 6, 2012, accessed August 31, 2016 .
  2. Definition on dexonline.ro (Romanian).
  3. Care este diferenţa esenţială între ţuică şi palincă , Adevărul February 10, 2016
  4. ^ Moldova. europe-cities.com, archived from the original on December 30, 2014 ; accessed on August 31, 2016 .
  5. Ordin no. 368/2008 on tuicadeprune.ro
  6. Calitățile terapeutice ale țuicii de prune i-au dat pe spate pe cercetătorii americani. In: Doctorul zilei. November 25, 2013, accessed August 31, 2016 (Romanian).
  7. Cristina Lica: Țuica de prune, calități terapeutice descoperite de americani. dcnews.ro, November 22, 2013, accessed August 31, 2016 (Romanian).
  8. Cf. Ulrich Ammon, Hans Bickel, Alexandra N. Lenz (Ed.): German dictionary of variants. The standard language in Austria, Switzerland, Germany, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, East Belgium and South Tyrol as well as Romania, Namibia and Mennonite settlements. 2nd, completely revised and expanded edition. De Gruyter, Berlin 2016, ISBN 978-3-11-024543-1 .