Metro accident in Moscow 2014

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In the metro accident in Moscow on July 15, 2014, a Moscow Metro train derailed while traveling in the tunnel . 23 people died, making it the worst accident since the Moscow Metro opened in 1935.

Starting position

The train consisted of five Russitsch- type units . The vehicles had only been in operation for a few years. The train was about 1,000 travelers during the morning rush hour on the "blue" Arbatsko-Pokrovskaya line go. The section in question was opened in 2008. After a stop at the Park Pobedy station  - the deepest station in the Moscow metro network at 84 meters - he drove towards the Slavyansky Bulwar station and accelerated to 70 km / h.

the accident

Track plan with the scene of the accident

Around 8:40 a.m. Moscow time, three of the five double cars on the train derailed 200 meters in front of the Slavyansky Bulwar station. The vehicle in front got wedged in the tunnel and was completely destroyed when the vehicles behind drove up. Many travelers were trapped in the process.

The cause of the accident is still unclear, the accident investigation is still ongoing. A terrorist attack was ruled out very soon, as there are many indications that the accident had a technical cause. The scene of the accident and the secured traces currently make two processes appear likely:

  1. One week before the accident, a switch was installed at the accident site , which should enable journeys through an adjoining tunnel to a construction site in the future. The switch was not yet in operation and not yet connected to the signal system. Therefore it should have been locked so that it could not be adjusted. Instead, it was only secured with a wire. This wire was broken after the accident. The points could have been adjusted by the vibrations of passing trains and thus caused the derailment. Two track builders who were responsible for securing the points contrary to the regulations were arrested.
  2. However, scratches were found on the thresholds over a length of 30 meters 50 meters from the scene of the accident . This could indicate that something was wedged under the train and was being dragged along. Whether it was an object already lying on the track, for example from a train ahead, or a component falling from the train, could no longer have been determined from the ruins of the accident site.


23 people died, most of them in the foremost, destroyed railcar . Another 217 people were injured, 55 of them seriously. The Moscow city council has announced compensation of one million rubles each (equivalent to around 25,000 euros) for relatives of the victims, as well as further compensation depending on the severity of the injuries.

The travelers had to be evacuated through the tunnel. The civil protection deployed a total of over 700 men and ten helicopters. July 16, 2014 was declared a day of mourning in the city of Moscow. The route in the area of ​​the accident site was closed until July 19, 2014.

On July 22, the previous head of the Metro Ivan Bessedin was dismissed by Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin. Dmitri Pegov, previously head of the Rapid Transport Directorate of the Russian Railways, has been appointed the new head of the Metro.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b c Ulf Mauder: Death in the Metro Tunnel . In: Frankfurter Rundschau of July 16, 2014, p. 40.
  2. ^ NN: Moscow metro accident .
  3. ^ NN: Moscow metro accident .
  4. Число погибших при аварии в московском метро достигло 23 , Vedomosti, July 16, 2014
  5. Минздрав: в аварии в московском метро пострадали 217 человек (ru) , RIA Novosti . Retrieved August 5, 2014. 
  6. Chronicle at ITAR-TASS from July 16, 2014 (Russian)
  7. Сергей Собянин: мы обязательно найдем ответственных в аварии в Московском метрополитене, July 16, 2014 (Russian , July 15, 2014 )
  8. Восстановлено движение на участке Арбатско-Покровской линии: перед запуском движения была проведена диагностика всех инженерных систем , official website of the Moscow Metro ( Memento of the original August 11, 2014 Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link is automatically inserted and not yet tested. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. (Russian), accessed August 5, 2014 @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  9. Дмитрий Пегов назначен начальником Московского Метрополитена, official website of the Moscow Metro ( memento of the original from August 10, 2014 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link has been inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. (Russian), accessed August 5, 2014 @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /

Coordinates: 55 ° 43 ′ 50.5 ″  N , 37 ° 28 ′ 44.6 ″  E