UZ 14

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Submarine destroyer UZ 14

The motorboat UZ 14 (UZ = submarine destroyer, also known as UZ boats) was a submarine hunter and mine hunter of the Imperial Navy during the First World War . It later served the Reich water protection , customs , the SA and in the Second World War as a harbor guard boat.

Technical specifications


UZ 14 belonged to a class of 22 motor boats ( UZ 1 to UZ 22 ), which were put into service in 1916-1919 specifically for submarine hunting and mine clearance . Because of their size, they could only operate in coastal areas; They were seaworthy up to wind force 6. Nothing is known about missions so far. The boats were bought by Friedrich Lürssen in Vegesack , Naglo-Werft, Havel-Werft Potsdam , H. Heidemann in Hamburg, Rolandwerft in Hemelingen , Max Oertz in Hamburg , Abeking & Rasmussen in Lemwerder and C. Waap in Kiel-Heikendorf built.

UZ 14 was taken over into the Reichsmarine , but decommissioned in 1922. In 1924 it was put into service as the Reich water protection police boat Tilsit 19 . From 1927 it served as a north mark at customs in Flensburg . In 1937 it was put into service by the SA group "Nordmark" as the Hanseatic City of Lübeck . From 1940 it served in the port protection flotilla West Baltic Sea until 1945 under the codes DWo 41 , Vs 141 and Vs 103 . The final fate is unknown.

The fate of the remaining boats is largely unknown, especially when they later passed into private ownership. Some boats were used to smuggle alcohol such as Hassan Uetsch , Hassan Bir ( Romanian As de Pique , Polish Gryf ), Hassan Eekj and Geier .


  • Günter Kroschel / August Ludwig Evers (ed.): The German Fleet 1848–1945. History of German warship construction in 437 pictures , 2nd edition Wilhelmshaven (Verlag Lohse-Eissing) 1963, p. XIV, XXV.
  • Erich Gröner : The German warships 1815-1945 , Volume 2: Torpedo boats, destroyers, speed boats, minesweepers, mine clearance boats , Koblenz (Bernard & Grafe) 1983, p. 120ff.