Udalrich I. (Count)

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Udalrich I (778/817 attested; † probably before 824) was a Frankish count in Alemannia . He was a son of Gerold the Elder and a brother of Gerold the Younger and thus a member of the Geroldon family ; Queen Hildegard , wife of Charlemagne, was his sister. He is considered the progenitor of the Udalrichinger and thus the Count of Bregenz .

Udalrich I. appears for the first time in 778. 780/781 he is attested as Count in Alpgau and Breisgau , 787-791 as Count in Hegau , 787 as Count in Thurgau , 805/817 as Count on the north shore of Lake Constance , 778/817 also as Count in Alsace . He took over the tasks of Linzgau, Argengau, Rheingau and Alpgau after the death of his uncle Ruadpert, his mother's brother

Abbot Notker I of St. Gallen reports that he owed this accumulation of powers to his brother-in-law Karl, but also that he was deposed by Charlemagne after the death of his sister Hildegard (783), but the memory of Hildegard the King have caused me to reverse the step.

Udalrich could not maintain his power in Thurgau, after his death his descendants also lost the counties in the Black Forest, so that the family's domain was limited to the Lake Constance area.


Udalrich's wife is unknown. His children were:

  • Bebo, 803 attested
  • Gerold, 803 attests
  • Udalrich II., 800/803 attested
  • Radbert (800/803) or Ruadbert; † probably 817, 806 / 813–814 Graf, 806 Graf im Thurgau , 807 / 813–814 Graf on the north shore of Lake Constance , 807 Graf im Argengau , 813–814 Graf im Linzgau , probably buried in Lindau
  • ? Erih - Erchanger (Erchanmar), 816, 821 (also Graf im Breisgau - 817, 819, 820, 828 and Graf in der Ortenau - 826 and in Alsace 819) - (Possibly also the son Udalrich II.)
  • Wichard (daughter)?


  • Michael Mitterauer : Carolingian margraves in the southeast. Archive for Austrian History Volume 123 (1963)
  • Michael Borgolte : The Counts of Alemannia in Merovingian and Carolingian times. A prosopography (1986)
  • Detlev Schwennicke: European Family Tables , Volume I.1 (1998), Table 4


  1. Borgolte
  2. a b Mitterauer, p. 16
  3. ^ Sources and research on the history of Swabia and Eastern Switzerland, p. LXV
  4. ZGORh, NF Vol. 7, 1882, p. 155