Ukshin Hoti

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Graffiti for Ukshin Hoti

Ukshin Hoti (born June 17, 1943 in Krusha e Madhe , then Kingdom of Albania ) was a Yugoslav and Kosovar Albanian peace activist and philosopher . He has been missing from his detention by the Yugoslav authorities to this day.

After his school education in Prizren and Pristina , Ukshin Hoti studied political science at the University of Zagreb and Belgrade , after which he worked for the administration of the parliament of the Kosovo province. From 1975 he was Professor of International Law at the University of Pristina , from 1978 to 1979 he also worked in Chicago , Washington, DC and at Harvard University .

In 1981 Hoti supported the Albanian student protests in Kosovo, which is why a Serbian court sentenced him to three and a half years in prison in 1982.

He was arrested by the Yugoslav authorities in March 1994 and sentenced to five years in prison on September 28 of the same year. Shortly before his release, which was scheduled for May 16, 1999, he was transferred from Dubrava Prison to Niš Prison and has since disappeared without a trace. Presumably he was murdered there.

The university in Prizren, the high school in his hometown Krusha e Madhe and a street in Pristina are named after Ukshin Hoti.

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Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b c Robert Elsie : Historical Dictionary of Kosova . Scarecrow Press, 2004, ISBN 978-0-8108-5309-6 , pp. 78 ( ).