Ullrich Teuscher

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Ullrich M. "Ulli" Teuscher (born December 28, 1940 in Habelschwerdt ) is a German dentist and a personality in the field of orthodontics .


Teuscher was born in the Lower Silesian town of Habelschwerdt. He spent his first childhood years during and shortly after the Second World War in Lower Silesia , primarily in Glatz , and then in Hohenheida near Leipzig, where his grandfather Arthur Teuscher was mayor.

Brick house of the Teuscher family in Hohenheida

After moving to the Federal Republic of Germany, Teuscher studied medicine and dentistry in Freiburg im Breisgau . Here practiced Hermann Krauss and Josef Eschler great influence on him. Teuscher graduated as a dentist in 1963, obtained his doctorate in 1971 and the title of specialist in orthodontics in 1973. Since 1971, Teuscher has been a lecturer and clinical instructor at the Center for Dentistry at the University of Zurich . In 1987, Teuscher obtained the Venia Legendi of the medical faculty of the University of Zurich as a habilitation thesis with his monograph on growth-related distal bite treatment.

Orthodontic Achievements

Monobloc headgear activator according to Teuscher for the treatment of the distal bite

The functional orthodontic appliance named after him is a combination of an activator and a headgear . Teuscher and later other scientists were able to demonstrate in the course of several studies that this combination can eliminate the negative therapeutic effects of the activator on the dentition and achieve better results in terms of facial aesthetics.

“Teuscher did not simply add a new device for distal bite treatment to the entire spectrum available. [...] He designed a treatment strategy with the aim of using all the individual factors that contribute to a dental and skeletal correction of the bite in a directionally specific manner. "

- Paul W. Stöckli, 1988 : Foreword to the habilitation thesis

Teuscher also designed a mesial bite activator.

Mesial bite activator according to Teuscher

Teuscher significantly shaped the conceptual approaches of the combined treatment of orthodontics and maxillofacial surgery . With Hugo Obwegeser , Teuscher formulated the basic principles of interdisciplinary treatment planning for facial anomalies.

During his more than 40 years of activity in the field of orthodontics, Teuscher gained international fame. His publications on the biomechanics of tooth movement are groundbreaking and have found their way into German and Anglo-Saxon textbooks on orthodontics.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Arthur Teuscher: The old Leipzig university village Hohenheida. Dissertation, Leipzig 1928.
  2. Ullrich Teuscher: Quantitative results of a growth-related treatment method of the distal bite in adolescent patients . Alfred Hüthig Verlag GmbH, Heidelberg 1988, ISBN 3-7785-1650-7 ( swissbib.ch ).
  3. ^ U. Teuscher: A growth-related concept for skeletal class II treatment . Ed .: American Journal of Orthodontics. tape 74 , no. 3 , 1978, PMID 281130 .
  4. ^ G. Singh and BS Thind: Effects of the headgear-activator Teuscher appliance in the treatment of Class II Division 1 malocclusion: a geometric morphometric study. Ed .: Orthodontics and Craniofacial Research. tape 6 , no. 2 , 2003, doi : 10.1034 / j.1600-0854.2003.c245.x , PMC 12809270 (free full text).
  5. U. Teuscher and H. Obwegeser: Principles in treatment planning of facial skeletal anomalies, in: mandibular growth anomalies. Springer Science & Business Media, Berlin Heidelberg 2001, ISBN 3-540-67214-1 , doi : 10.1007 / 978-3-662-04534-3 .
  6. Paul W. Stöckli and Elisha D. Ben-Zur (eds.): Dentistry in children and adolescents . Thieme Verlag, Stuttgart 1994, ISBN 3-13-530203-2 .
  7. Winfried Harzer: Checklists of dentistry: Orthodontics . Thieme Verlag, Stuttgart 2011, ISBN 978-3-13-146921-2 , doi : 10.1055 / b-002-41844 .
  8. Orthodontics . In: Franz G. Sander, Norbert Schwenzer (Hrsg.): Tooth-mouth-jaw medicine . Thieme Verlag, Stuttgart 2011, ISBN 978-3-13-593802-8 , doi : 10.1055 / b-002-44931 .
  9. ^ Paul W. Stöckli, Ullrich Teuscher: Combined activator headgear orthopedics . In: Lee W. Graber, Robert L. Vanarsdall (Eds.): Orthodontics: Current Principles and Techniques . Mosby, St. Luis 1994, ISBN 0-323-44432-6 , pp. 437-506 .
  10. ^ William Proffit, Henry Fields, Brent Larson, David Sarver: Contemporary Orthodontics . Elsevier Mosby, Philadelphia 2018, ISBN 978-0-323-54387-3 .