Ulrich Fritsch

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Ulrich Fritsch (born October 24, 1934 in Beuthen ) was the head of the business department of Radio Bremen and the author of several radio plays and television documentaries.


Fritsch has a doctorate in economics. He also graduated from the German Institute for Film and Television in Munich with a diploma. Fritsch was a managing board member of the Deutsches Aktieninstitut in Düsseldorf. In 1986 he was a lecturer at the Düsseldorf University of Applied Sciences .

He dealt with insider problems, ethics and morals of managers as well as stock market transactions and founded the International Investor Fair (IAM) in Düsseldorf. As President of the EASP in Stockholm (European Association for Share Promotion) he organized the merger of several European institutions to promote wealth creation in fund units and shares. Fritsch was also chairman of the economic journalists' association in Düsseldorf and is now an honorary member. He was also head of the Deutsches Aktieninstitut .

He has also written ten non-fiction books on the stock market and finance and a philosophical work on the ethics and morals of managers. He also wrote the novel The Dance of the Locusts . The Rheinische Post commented positively about the novel, saying that Fritsch had "turned the difficult financial matter into an entertaining story". Die Welt am Sonntag praised the book as an "entertaining novel".

Private life

Ulrich Fritsch lives in Kaarst .

After attending the International Summer Academy for Fine Arts in Salzburg, he presented his works at several national and international exhibitions, most recently in the European Parliament in Brussels and in the Solingen Art Museum Baden .


  • Employee shares and other forms of company-related asset formation, [Düsseldorf]: Working group for the promotion of d. Share eV, [1976]
  • More companies going public, 1978
  • Economy at a glance: data, facts, etc. Functions, Cologne: Bank-Verlag, 1981
  • The equity gap in the Federal Republic, Cologne: Deutscher Instituts-Verlag, 1981
  • How to become a shareholder, Bergisch Gladbach: Lübbe, 1985
  • The new dimension, Düsseldorf: Econ-Verlag, 1986
  • The book of the listing, Cologne: O. Schmidt, 1987
  • In front of and behind the scenes of the stock exchange: Tips for investors u. such, d. want to be, Düsseldorf; Vienna; New York: Econ-Verlag, 1988
  • The new dimension. Future strategies of international top managers, Düsseldorf, Vienna 1986,
  • with Heribert Hirte : Reduction of the nominal value of the share, Arbeitskreis Aktien eV, Düsseldorf 1990

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b http://www.seiten.faz-archiv.de/faz/20041022/fd2200410222523530_5.html
  2. a b http://nachrichten.rp-online.de/regional/roman-ueber-die-finanzkrise-1.2506514
  3. ^ Indictment against greedy managers
  4. Literature by and about Ulrich Fritsch in the catalog of the German National Library