Ulrich Koester

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Ulrich Koester (born May 20, 1938 in Elbing ) is a German agricultural economist at the Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel , he was a long-time advisor to the German federal ministers for agriculture and international organizations.

Live and act

Koester was born as the son of an East Prussian landowner family and grew up with five siblings in the Palatinate after fleeing and expelled. After graduating from secondary school, he completed a year on his parents' farm and passed his matriculation examination in 1959. He then studied agricultural sciences at the Universities of Hohenheim and Giessen and economics at the Universities of Saarbrücken and Göttingen . In 1960 he became a member of the Corps Germania Hohenheim . After the doctorate to the Dr.rer. pole. at the University of Göttingen in 1968 he worked for one year at the Economics Department of the University of California, Berkeley as a Post Doctoral Fellow. The habilitation took place in 1971 in Göttingen. After a guest semester at the TU Berlin , he received a professorship for sectoral economic policy at the University of Göttingen. In 1978 Koester accepted a full professorship at the Institute for Agricultural Economics at Kiel University, and after his retirement in 2003 he is in demand as a visiting professor and author of specialist books.

Ulrich Koester has worked as a visiting professor at universities in the USA, Africa, Eastern Europe and Central Asia. For more than twenty years he was a member of the scientific advisory board of the Federal Minister for Agriculture, Food and Forests and took on advisory tasks for the federal government at the EU, World Bank, OECD and FAO.


Publications (selection)

Koester's research interests lie primarily in the areas of agricultural policy, international agricultural trade and the transformation economy. The following is an excerpt from the list of publications:

  • Alternatives to Agricultural Policy , Landwirtschaftsverlag, Münster-Hiltrup 1976. Together with S. Tangermann
  • EC agricultural market policy in the dead end , Nomos, Baden-Baden 1977.
  • Regional Cooperation to Improve Food Security in Southern and Eastern African Countries , IFPRI Report No. 53, Washington, DC 1986.
  • The EEC-ACP Convention of Lomé Forum No.13 , Wissenschaftsverlag Vauk, Kiel 1987. Together with R.Hermann
  • Disharmonies in EC and US Agricultural Policy Measures (Editor) Report for the European Commission, Brussels 1988.
  • EC Agricultural Policy for the 21st Century European Commission , European Economy, Reports and Studies, No. 4, Luxembourg 1994. Together with K.Larson et al.
  • Trgovina poljprivredno-prehrambenim proizvodima - principi i politika . Univerzitet u Beogradu Poljoprivredni facultet. Beograd 2009. Together with V. Zaric
  • Basic features of agricultural market theory 4rd rev. Edition Vahlen, Munich 2010.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b Directory of Weinheimer Corps Students 1990, p. 250