Ulrich Staudigl

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Ulrich Staudigl , also Udalricus Staudigl and Augustinus Staudigl (born October 9, 1644 in Landsberg am Lech , † March 8, 1720 in Andechs ) was a German doctor, prior of the Andechs monastery and member of the academy of scholars " Leopoldina ".


Ulrich (Udalrich or Udalricus) Staudigl was born as the son of a beer brewer in Landsberg am Lech. Staudigl attended the lower schools in Landsberg am Lech. He studied scholasticism in Dillingen, after which he pursued higher studies in theology and philosophy in Salzburg . He became professor of the Order of St. Benedict and took his religious vows on November 1, 1664. He also became procurator of the Bavarian-Benedictine Congregation. He was sent to Rome as General Procurator because the Bavarian Benedictine monasteries wished to come together in a congregation based on the model of similar Benedictine congregations in other countries. This congration also came about in 1684. Ulrich Staudigl studied civil law and medical science in Rome and was awarded a doctorate in philosophy, medicine, theology and law. Then he was appointed prior of the Andechs monastery on the Holy Mountain. He also advanced to become the highest economic board member. Ulrich Staudigl wrote in Latin and spoke French and Italian.

Prior Ulrich Staudigl researched insect sting allergies and described a beekeeper who had been stung by several bees. Staudigl had to endure persecution at the beginning of the 18th century because he showed electrical experiments that were thought to be magical arts in his monastery.

Ulrich Staudigl linked the Aristotelian-Scholastic theory of categories with the thoughts of the rationalist René Descartes and the empiricism of Francis Bacon .

On April 20, 1701 Ulrich Staudigl with the academic surname Pittacus I was accepted as a member ( matriculation no. 247 ) in the Leopoldina . He was a member of the medicine section.


  • Omnium scientiarum et artium Organon universale, seu Logica practica, ad omnium scibilium penetralia aggressum demonstrans, ingressum promovens, et progressum facilitans, nova penitus method concepta, ad praxin ipsam solide elaborata, quam multiplicibus, tam curiosis exemplis et paradigmatis adornata. 8. Romae ex typographia Angeli Bernabo. 1686.
  • with Filippo Picinelli : Tributa Encomiorum, Heroicis Quorundam Sanctorum Virtutibus Oblata, 1697. Digitized
  • Tractatus de studiis monasticis, divisus in tres partes, cum recensione principalium difficultatum, quae qualibet in saecula occurere solent in lectione Originalium Catalogo quoque selectorum librorum, pro instruenda bibliotheca quadam ecclesiastica, conscriptus a Joan. Mabillon religioso Benedictino congregationis S. Mauri, nunc autem in linguam latinam translatas juxta secundam editionem revisam et eorrectam. 8th Campiduni 1702.


  • Andreas Elias Büchner : Academiae Sacri Romani Imperii Leopoldino-Carolinae Natvrae Cvriosorvm Historia. Litteris et impensis Ioannis Iustini Gebaueri, Halae Magdebvrgicae 1755, De Collegis, p. 485 digitized
  • Johann Daniel Ferdinand Neigebaur : History of the imperial Leopoldino-Carolinische German academy of natural scientists during the second century of its existence. Friedrich Frommann , Jena 1860, p. 202 digitized
  • Bavarian Benedictine Academy (ed.): Studies and communications on the history of the Benedictine order and its branches. New episode Volume 16, The Whole Series Volume 47. Munich 1929, p. IX. Digitized
  • Brigitta Kjäer: P. Ulrich Staudigl (1644–1720) from Andechs: monk and doctor. Dissertation. Faculty of Chemistry, Biol. And Geoscientific, Techn. Univ. Munich 1986.
  • Brigitta Kjäer: P. Ulrich Staudigl (1644-1720) von Andechs: A Bavarian Benedictine as a member of the Leopoldina. In: Leopoldina, 32 (1988), 1986. pp. 181-235.
  • Max Spindler: Handbook of Bavarian History. Volume II: Old Bavaria. The territorial state. CH Beck Munich 1988, p. 885. Digitized
  • Ulrich L. Lehner: Enlightened Monks. The German Benedictines 1740-1803. Oxford University Press 2011, p. 15 f. Digitized
  • Thomas Stockinger, Thomas Wallnig, Patrick Fiska, Ines Peper, Manuela Mayer: The learned correspondence of the Pez brothers. Text, regesta, comments. Volume 2: 1716-1718, 1st half volume. Böhlau, Vienna et.al. 2015, p. 242. Digitized

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Germania Sacra: Recommended citation: Ulrich Staudigl , accessed on December 30, 2019.
  2. Springer Link: “De curiosis post apum ictus symtomatibus”. In: Allergo U 2009; 18: 342-52.
  3. Year Scripture in theology and canon law of the Roman Catholics. Sixth volume, I – III booklet, Ulm 1824, p. 373. Digitized
  4. Uta Coburger: Of debauchery and fantasies. The ornament and the ornamental in the work of Egid Quirin Asam (1692–1750). V&R Göttingen 2011, p. 214. Digitized